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' i know you , you're like this
When shit don't go your way you needed me to fix it'


Third person p.o.v

"How even she got out of the fucking house amd nobody noticed ?!" Massimo roared out loud

"She came to give me tea this afternoon , and she said she's going shopping today " chicago told

"And where the fuck were her gaurds i assigned? " He asked with clenched teeth trying not to brust woth anger

"Boss , we didn't knew when ma'am left the house " a man in black suit said his voice coming weak

"Do i pay you shits for this ?!" He pulled out his gun and pulled the safety lock off when marco snactched the gun from Massimo's hand

"Calm dow-"

"Don't fuckin ask me to calm the fuck down , you all fucking know this her life is in danger, how can you fuckers can be so careless" he yelled at marco glaring at him

Cane ran through the doors and his breathing heavy " we tracked her boss"

"Fucking pray she is alright or you all are going to pay "


Kylie woke up straching her body still laying her eyes shut she turn to her left unaware of the presence in the room

"Good morning babygirl" a smile crept on her face

"Good morn-" her voice sweet as strawberry

But realization hit her a little bit late as she remembered yesterday event

She sat up faster then flash

There sat Massimo in all his glory white shirt black suit

His shirt all messed up his hairs messed up looking damn handsome

A tired look on his face his face expressions emotionless

"What are you doing here !" I asked angrily and stood up from bed placing my hands on my hips

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second and opened them again looking at me

"Come here " he motioned with his fingers

I gulped

God why is he so handsome

Get a grip kylie he is a criminal

"And why do you think i will do as you say " i ask frowing

Why the hell am i not angry at him like i should be! ???

He is a murderer a drug lord for fuck sake

And then all anger came

He was trying to control his anger

He stood up and strode towards her and was going to touch her when she step back

She was hella angry" don't you dare to touch me with those fuckin hands that have blood of innocent peoples" she threatend him pointing her finger at him

He was confused what the hell is she saying
"What are you saying!" He asked his hands fisting trying to control not touch her

He didn't touched her for like 20 hours and he is dying to hold her

"What do you think i dont know what you are doing ?" She asked angrily

He sighed he was hell of tired he didn't sleep whole night trying to find her and when they tracked her phone he took his private jet and landed in NYC

"You kill people for living you kill people for money , and you were going to take my empire from me right ? You used me for money you asshole !" She yelled pointing her finger at him

"What the hell are you saying ?!, I didn't use you for anything kylie , i am shit loaded from money i don't need to steal it " he yelled having enough of her crap

"Yeah , you are shit loaded because of killing peoples, the italian don " she screashed

He froze, he knew this will come one day but this soon ? He wasn't prepared for that

"Listen kylie , you are taking this all wrong , we don't do wro-" Before he could complete his sentence she stopped him

"Just FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE " She screamed at him

"I FUCIKING CAN'T AND I WILL NOT!!!" He yelled more louder

She flinched back her eyes becoming watery her lips quivring

He sighed as he saw tears in her eyes along with fear

He rubbed his temple " you are coming with me , pack your stuff " he said

"No i will not go with you" she said on the verge of crying

"Listen kylie , dont be a brat now , you are coming with me and that .is final." He comanded her

"No i said i am no-"

"Thats enough " he said and moved towards her picking her up on his shoulders

Her face facing his back she yellped at the sudden action

She trashed in his arms " put me down ! , I said put me down!!!" She screamed hitting his back

"You are going to be a good babygirl and keep quit" he said and spanked her ass hard


"You assho-"




"Keep quit "

"Uhmmm" she whined crying fakely


I will try to update as frequently as i can 😘♥️

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