Spectre-6 Is Stagnant

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He hops off the bunk and tries to walk past Kanan with grace. But Kanan grabs him by the back of the collar, stopping him. Ezra groans being tugged back. He rubs at his neck as Kanan places his hands on his hips and looks down at him. "Alright, spill." He commands.

"What's to spill? I'm fine. Just a little tired." Ezra argues, furrowing his eyebrows. Just because he's feeling a little under the weather doesn't mean that they need to make a big fuss. It's just a cold or something like it. There's no need to put the whole day on pause for him.

"You don't look well. You feeling okay?" Kanan asks, grabbing him. Ezra struggles to be freed as Kanan presses the back of his hand on the boy's forehead. He hums, nodding his head as Ezra wiggles in his grasp. "Yupp, you've got a fever. You're sick."

"I feel just fine." He grumbles, trying to move his head away from his hand.

"You're pale too," Kanan adds, letting him. Ezra straightens his clothes and huffs. He glares up at Kanan, pouting. Was holding him like that really necessary? "You better go talk to Hera. She'll know how to take care of you." Kanan says, pointing towards the door.

"I don't need to be taken care of. I've been sick before, Kanan. Not that I'm sick now!" He quickly corrects, stumbling over his words. Kanan smirks, watching the boy shake his head, getting back to his argument. "I was on my own for eight years. I'm fine." He grumbles, exiting the room. Don't they understand that yet? He's been with them for a while now. They should know that he can fend for himself, even when it comes to sickness.

"Fine, if you won't tell Hera, then I will," Kanan says, following close behind him.

"Hera doesn't have to know because I'm not sick."

"She does because you are," Kanan argues, poking Ezra's forehead. He groans, closing his eyes as they enter the main room. "I don't want you getting everyone else sick so Hera is going to take care of you. She'll get you what you need."

"Ezra's sick?" Sabine asks, jumping away from him.

"Calm down. It's not like he has the Blue Shadow Virus." Kanan says, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not sick." Ezra scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. Chopper rolls over to him, poking at him. Droids can't get sick, so he can pester the boy as much as he likes. Ezra flinches as the droid attempts to zap his side. "Chopper." He growls, looking down at him.

"Chopper, leave Ezra alone," Hera says, making the droid chuckle and roll away. She puts her attention back on Ezra, shaking her head. "Sorry, Ezra, but I think Kanan is right. You look sick. We should find some medicine so we can get you healed as fast as possible."

"I don't need medicine! It's just cold." Ezra argues, throwing up his arms in frustration. Not even moments after, he begins to loudly cough. He covers his mouth, but it still makes Sabine and Zeb cry out in disgust. They don't want whatever he has.

"I think you caught something on our last mission," Hera says, sympathetically smiling at him. She walks over to him, tucking him under her arm. He pouts, but he does have to admit that it does feel nice to have her comfort him. It's been a while since someone did that for him while he was sick.

"How come we didn't catch something then?" Zeb asks, keeping his distance from Ezra.

"Because the rest of us have been in space before. Ezra has been on Lothal his whole life. He hasn't built up his immunity to other germs in the galaxy like we have." Kanan answers. Chopper grunts at him, making Kanan nod his head. "And Chopper didn't because he's a droid and they can't get sick."

"Wait until I fry a few of your wires. Then you'll be sick." Ezra snaps. Hera gently presses a hand on his shoulder, attempting to calm him as Chopper rapid fires insults at Ezra.

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