Bad Padawan

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so I absolutely LOVE all of the characters as these tiny little children and I just want to write about all of them and butternut_gouache drew this fabulous picture and it inspired me to write this story. I don't really know how the Jedi padawan thing goes down, but this is how I think it happens. Please feel free to give me the correct way if this is WAYYYY off, lol.

There's an unusual amount of excitement buzzing around the Temple. A few lucky younglings just passed their test. Finally, they were going to make their lightsabers and learn what colors they would be. They would get to put their skills to the test in real-life situations.

But the most exciting part? Today, they would meet their master. They would train them on how to handle unknown planets. Their masters would be there with them until they could finally be called Jedi Knights.

They all eagerly whisper to each other as the Jedi Masters walk around the room. They are watching every one of them, trying to figure out which one to take on as their padawan. They want to make a choice that will aid both of them. A master will be pointless if they don't get along with their padawan. There will be no trust and no respect between the master and the padawan.

Yoda quietly smiles, watching the scene unfold. He has always enjoyed this time of year. But as he watches, one conversation catches his attention.

"Have you noticed that there are only 15 masters here?" Leo, one of the oldest younglings, asks his friend, Sirius.

"But, there are 16 of us," Sirius replies, looking around the room. "Who is not going to get a master?"

Leo shrugs his shoulder. "I don't know. Probably that kid who barely passed."

"They probably messed up his results. I don't think he's ready to be a padawan. They must not want to tell him that he won't get a master so they'll wait until there's no one left." Sirius says, slightly chuckling.

"Probably." Leo chuckles back as they look at the little youngling.

For most of the younglings, the tests were a breeze. The obstacles they faced over the past few days came easy to them thanks to their years of training. But for one student, he hardly passed. He is younger than them by a few years, but he was determined to move up with them.

Yoda began to look around the room. He counts every youngling then moves onto the masters. Sure enough, they are short one master. One of the younglings will have to leave without a master. But Yoda will not let that happen.

He hobbles over to Plo Koon, the thought on his mind. "Short on masters, we are. Find another, I will."

"We will wait for you to return with another master before choosing." Plo Koon nods, letting Yoda leave the room.

As he walks down the large hall, he begins to think of masters in need of a padawan. For some reason, the only ones coming to his mind are masters that already have padawans. They won't make suitable choices. Growing frustrated, he sits on the ground to think.

After spending nearly 10 minutes meditating on who to pick, he begins to question if this is his fault. Maybe he shouldn't have let the youngest one pass. Though he completed the challenges, he isn't as prepared as the others. Maybe this is for the best. Maybe he should pull him out and have him train some more before becoming a padawan.

As he rises to his feet, he knows he can't do that. It wouldn't be right to take this moment away from that youngling. He earned this just as much as the other ones. He deserves the right to become a padawan to a trusted master. Yoda will find that youngling a master, even if it takes him days.

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