Stolen Kisses (Obitine)

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Her long blonde locks shimmer down her back in the evening light. Though Concordia has been the cause of many of her sleepless nights, tonight it provides her unimaginable beauty. He's left dumbfounded, searching for something to say to get her attention.

He clears his throat and bows his head. "Duchess."

She softly turns, her mesmerizing blue eyes meeting his for the first time in years. A smile grows on her face as she rushes to his side. He lets out a soft gasp as her arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to her than he thought possible. "Obi-Wan." She happily sighs in his arms.

"Hello, Satine." He greets in her ear before she loosens her grip. When he had last seen her, he and Qui-Gon were leaving to head back to the Temple, their duty completed. They had been protecting her through her people's civil war and succeeded in making her Duchess of Mandalore.

Throughout their close time together then, feelings had bloomed. Neither one chose to say anything in fear of ruining what precious thing they had. If it was said out loud, then they would be acknowledging that what they were doing was wrong. Jedi were not to fall in love, and Mandalorians were not to be with Jedi. Especially a Mandalorian that wanted to lead her people from the ashes of a civil war.

It was a good idea not to start another war over who she chose as her spouse.

So Obi-Wan left Satine with a handshake and a long goodbye. Undisclosed feelings were shoved deep down so that they could perform their duties. Both of them swore that they would forget the other, but that promise has almost made it harder. There are very few days when they don't think of what the other is doing.

"I've missed you." She says, breathless. She studies his face, which he has now grown into. No longer do his ears look too big for his head. His naff padawan braid has been cut away, replaced with an elegant, flowing mullet. She reaches out, noticing his beard and cupping his cheek.

He closes his eyes, leaning into her hand. "I was afraid that you would have forgotten me." He whispers, sending shivers down her back. "I thought that you might have found someone else. Someone more deserving of you."

"Don't be so modest." She quietly replies. "No one could ever replace you."

His eyes open and he sports a shy smile. His cheeks flush as his eyes look to the ground. Though he has physically changed, he's just like she remembers. He can flirt for hours on end, but when it comes back at him, he becomes a stumbling mess.

An adorable stumbling mess.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, hoping to bring his attention back to her. She longs to look into his hypnotizing blue eyes.

"I was in the system. Thought I'd drop by." He says, his hands tightening on her hips. She is practically melting from his touch and she hopes that he knows it. She wants him to know how much she needs him, how much she's been craving his presence.

"I feel like a terrible host by not having anything ready." She says. "I wish you would have told me before. Then I could have had a grand meal prepared for you."

"Where's the surprise in that?" He chuckles, placing his forehead onto hers. She giggles, both of her hands weaved through his long hair and holding on tight. He's here. He's really here. Her heart is pounding wildly in her chest, telling her that this isn't some dream. This is reality.

He pulls away, looking around the room. She becomes self-conscious, worried that he will find some fault in her quarters. She sees that frown on his face, and before she can ask what's wrong, he says, "I hope I haven't interrupted something. I know you've been busy and it was selfish of me to show up unannounced."

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