You Were My Brother

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"It's over, Anakin. I have the high ground!" Obi-Wan shouts over the roar of lava and bustling droids. 

"You underestimate my power!" Anakin growls back, tightening his grip on his lightsaber. He narrows his eyebrows, his anger coursing through his veins. He is not going to back down now. This battle has gone on long enough and it's time to put an end to it.

He will come out victorious.

Obi-Wan gives his head a slight shake, knowing what his padawan is planning on attempting. "Don't try it."

Anakin takes a deep breath from the bottom of his lungs. He bends his knees then shoots himself through the air. He lets out a battle cry, launching himself over Obi-Wan and effortlessly landing behind him, his lightsaber aimed high.

Before Obi-Wan has time to react, Anakin takes the lightsaber and jabs it through his stomach. Obi-Wan lets out a groan, pain flashing over his face. His mouth is slightly open, his eyes wide in shock. He has been beaten. His padawan has delivered the final blow, ending his life.

Anakin freezes, Obi-Wan's face shaking him to his core. He quickly turns off his lightsaber with a barely audible swish. His heart is pounding in his ears, his hands are trembling with adrenaline, shock, and fear. 

Obi-Wan falls to his knees, his hands covering his deep, deadly burn. Anakin grabs onto him tightly, stopping him from falling face-first onto the hard ground. "Master." He pants, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions.

The only thing he truly knows is that this is wrong. What he has done is the worst thing a padawan could do to his master. It has broken the trust that the two of them have built over the past decade. 

He quickly sits on the ground, holding Obi-Wan's head in his lap. Obi-Wan struggles to speak, barely clinging to his life. His hand intertwines into Anakin's robes, pulling him close to him. "You were the chosen one." He croaks, blinking back what Anakin thinks are tears of pain. "It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them. Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness."

Anakin's bottom lip trembles, his eyes pooling with tears. 

"You were my brother, Anakin." Obi-Wan hoarsely continues, betrayal and sadness painted so vividly on his dying face. Anakin holds back a cry, watching him die in his arms. Obi-Wan frowns, his blue eyes locking with Anakin's one final time. "I loved you." He whispers.

"I loved you too," Anakin replies, his free hand tightly holding onto Obi-Wan's hair in an attempt to keep him here with him. Obi-Wan's body slowly grows limp, his grip loosening, and his head lolling to rest into Anakin's chest. All of the life in his eyes has disappeared. Anakin forcefully swallows down his pain. "Please, don't go. Please." He begs but it's evident that Obi-Wan has become one with the Force.

He tries to hold back his cries, but it feels impossible. His chest tightens with his heart shattering. He lowers himself, pressing his forehead against Obi-Wan's, wishing for him to say or do something. He knows it's never going to happen, but he wants to hear his gentle voice again, even if it is a scolding or lecture.

"I'm sorry." He cracks as the first tears finally escape him. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Master." He continues, his body racking with sobs. "I take it back, Obi-Wan. I want you back."

When he finally pulls away, he's left staring into his master's lifeless eyes. Anakin gently cresses his cheek with his thumb, wiping away his tears from his best friend's face. He is ashamed of what he has done and become. Obi-Wan is a casualty that could have been avoided.

Suddenly, Anakin feels that familiar tug inside of him. He's been in this very position before. His mother was a casualty that didn't need to happen. Yet there she died in his arms because he wasn't there to save her. Everyone he's ever truly loved has died because of him.

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