And I Miss You Like a Little Kid

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He has to step away.

It's been nearly a year now since they've last seen him, but that doesn't stop the emotions from randomly hitting Hunter so hard that he's nearly doubled over in pain.

Sometimes it'll be a distant memory that someone reminisces about aloud.

Other times, it's nothing more than his belongings suddenly making an appearance, as if he just left his kit out and will clean it up when he returns.

Today though, it is simply the thought of how he might react to their shenanigans on this calm, backwater planet.

The sun is setting in the west, painting glorious shades of pink and red in the sky. The tall, stocky trees act as a natural shelter, keeping the squad hidden with their excessively long branches covered in thick leaves. Some type of bird is making its presence known, loudly voicing its opinion about their arrival nearby.

Everyone is content. Not a single complaint has been voiced or a concern raised yet. Wrecker is peacefully lounging underneath the shade of one of the glorious trees. Echo and Tech are debating where the best location will be to view the stars later tonight. And Omega just entered the ship to look for something to play with.

It seems as if everybody is thriving in this beautifully designed world without a care in the world. In fact, this is the most relaxed he's seen them in a long time.

Yet Hunter has to step away from them all because he feels so incredibly miserable. He can't bear to drown them in his unforgiving, horribly timed sadness. It always seems to happen when everyone is in good spirits, so he often tries to play it off with a smile. Unfortunately, a smile won't be able to hide his sorrow today.

So while they all laugh and enjoy their evening, Hunter quietly watches from the steps of the Marauder. Here, he can grieve and think without dragging down the morale of his brothers and sister.

Omega approaches him from behind. Seeing his hanging head and slouched shoulders, she sets Lula aside and decides to sit beside him. She plops down close to him so that she doesn't risk falling off the step. Then, gently, her head rests against his shoulder and clings to his arm. "You're thinking about Crosshair again, aren't you?"

He swallows the lump in his throat. Should he deny it so that he doesn't ruin her night as well? Or would it be better for both of them if he's honest with her?

"I can always tell when you're thinking about him." She says, making the decision for him. "Whenever someone mentions him, you go off to be by yourself for a while. Or if someone accidentally leaves his stuff out."

Maker, is he really that obvious?

"It's okay to feel sad." Omega continues. Her hands now casually play with his fingers, allowing him a bit of distraction. "I miss him too. A lot more than you might think, actually."

His jaw locks, fearing what might happen if he opens his mouth to speak. Already he feels like he's bursting at the seams, the pressure of holding it together for her becoming more difficult the longer she confesses her true feelings.

"I know I didn't know him as well as you four, but he's still my brother too." She says, her voice now becoming slightly strained with emotion. "While it might not be personal experiences, I do know him from the stories everyone's told me. And from his things we've packed away to keep safe."

Hunter pulls his arm out from Omega's grasp and drapes it over her shoulders to pull her close. She cuddles tight to him, her face slightly pouting as she closes her eyes. "I know I don't have the right to miss him as much as the rest of you do, but he did save me. I could have drowned on Kamino, but he rescued me and AZI."

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