Old Friend

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Ahsoka kicks her ship, furrowing her eyebrows. "Damn ship." She curses, pacing around it. "What good is a ship that can't fly?" She asks, crossing her arms over her chest. She should have known she was getting ripped off on Coruscant.

She rests her hands on her hips, slightly swaying her lightsabers. What was she going to do now? She needs parts for this thing, or better yet, a new ship. She's also low on supplies and needs to restock, which was her original intent on coming to this desert planet. But, like usual, nothing ever goes her way.

Once she calms down, she decides to head to the town in the distance. She figures she'll make it there before the suns set, giving her time to find someone to fix her ship and a place to rest her head.

As she gets to the edge of town, she feels a tremor in the Force. It's familiar, like something from long ago. She can't quite place it and she can't ignore it. Though she wants to leave this planet as soon as possible, she won't leave until she finds out who is here with her.

Who has survived the fall of the Jedi?

She makes her way to the cantina, keeping her guard up. She knows Tatooine is filled with the vilest scum of the galaxy. If any of them find out that she's had some form of Jedi training, she's toast. Well, more like they'll be toast. She'll be the one swinging around lightsabers.

She heads to the bar, keeping her hood up. She can't risk anyone possibly recognizing. Though it's been years since she was even associated with the Jedi Order, she doesn't want to take any risks.

"I need some parts for my ship. Anyone you can direct me to?" She asks. She glances around her, taking notice of everyone who's even so much as glanced in her direction. She must stay alert. Someone is here that she knows. She feels their presence.

"Over in the corner. He's your best bet." The bartender grumbles, nodding his head in the direction. Ahsoka looks over, seeing a figure surrounded in darkness. He must also be hiding his identity.

She gathers her thoughts and heads to the dark corner. She takes slow deep breaths, trying to keep her mind clear. She must stay calm and seem in control. She's not worried about what they might to do her. She knows she can take them easily. She just doesn't want to resort to using her trusty blades on this planet.

"I've been told that you can help me fix my ship," Ahsoka says, slipping into the seat across from the stranger.

"That depends on how much you plan on paying me." He grumbles back. He flicks something towards her, making her flinch and pull back.

She narrows her eyebrows. "5,000."

He chuckles, adding fuel to her annoyance. "I don't do anything less than 7,500, sweetheart."

"Fine. 7,500 it is." She snaps back, scrunching her nose. She leans forward, trying together some look at the man. Unfortunately, not only is it dark around them but he's also covering his face with a hood. The only possible clue about this guy is the star on his right star. She has no idea what it means, but she files it in her memory.


"I have 5,000 upfront. I can get you the rest of the money after you successfully complete the task." She answers.


She reaches into her bag, pulling out the money. She drops it onto the table between them. Eagerly, the stranger reaches out and snatches the bag. He digs through it, the sound of the clinking metal almost sounding melodic. "Where's the ship?" He asks, closing the bag.

"Just outside of here. You can see it from the edge of town." Ahsoka says, beginning to rise from the table.

"I'll go get started. You better go find another 2,500." He says, following her lead. Before she can say another word, the figure sneaks out of the cantina and out into the world.

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