Losing Faith In Himself

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Upon receiving the transmission, Anakin makes his way to the hangar. He paces back and forth, waiting for the ship to dock. There are so many questions he has. What made Obi-Wan take off in such a rush? Why did he request Anakin's ship? Where has he been?

Steadily, a ship that Anakin doesn't recognize lands in the hangar. Anakin and some of the clones share a look of confusion. That is not the ship that Obi-Wan originally took from him. This one is in much better condition. It looks almost brand new.

The ramp slowly opens, reveling Obi-Wan dressed in red Mandalorian armor. Immediately, Anakin can feel the pain and sadness radiating off of him. This is unusual, almost foreign to Anakin. Obi-Wan has always been good at keeping his shields high, hiding whatever feelings he might have towards anything.

He stumbles off the ramp, his head hung low. Anakin rushes to him, worry flooding through him. "Obi-Wan, what happened? Are you alright?"

"Anakin, I don't want to talk about it." He replies, brushing him off.

Anakin scoffs, watching him walk away. He won't let his former master off the hook that easy. He needs answers. He can't be left in this confusion. Anakin chases after him, sticking close to his side. "Obi-Wan, what is going on?" He demands.

"I said I don't want to talk about it. Can't you listen to me just this one time?" He fires back, pain flashing over his face. Anakin freezes, the sudden outburst from Obi-Wan startling him. It's been a long time since he's heard his master scold him. Obi-Wan looks down, knowing he was wrong to snap at him, but doesn't apologize.

Clones walk past them, keeping their eyes anywhere but on them. The air fills with awkward tension. The clones don't want to be apart of this fight or witness it. Anakin knows that he should leave it alone, but he can't. "Can we talk in private then?" He quietly asks.

Obi-Wan doesn't reply, only turning on his heels. Anakin takes that as a yes. He trails after him, following him into Obi-Wan's private quarters. He closes the door behind them, watching Obi-Wan sink onto the edge of his bed. He's tired and suffering in silence. It wouldn't take a professional to see how exhausted and mentally wounded he is.

Anakin wants to help relieve this from him. He wants to help in any way possible. "Obi-Wan, please. I need some answers about what happened." He begins. "You took off with my ship without reason. I don't hear from you for days, making me have to lie to the Council for you. Then you show up here with a ship that I don't recognize."

"I think you're more worried about what happened to your ship than what will happen to you if you're caught lying," Obi-Wan replies as he removes the armor from his wrists. Anakin doesn't laugh. Humor is their coping mechanism. When they want to avoid talking, they shift the conversation.

That won't work today.

"Start talking." He demands, crossing his arms over his chest. He leans against the door, making it clear that he won't leave until he's told the story, the whole story. Not some watered down tale that only covers the surface of what his master just went through.

"Where's Ahsoka?" Obi-Wan asks, trying to avoid the subject.

"She's with Rex. Now stop ignoring me and spill."

Obi-Wan sighs, his head hanging again. His arms rest on his knees, his back hunched over. It's been a long time since Anakin has seen him like this. Anakin feels almost like he's nine-years-old again, listening to Obi-Wan explain to him that Qui-Gon became one with the Force. He knows something bad has happened. "I went to Mandalore." Obi-Wan finally confesses.

"Mandalore?" Anakin asks with a soft voice. "What's happening there?"

Obi-Wan takes a deep breath, straightening up. Anakin feels him trying to build up his shields again, but it's difficult. It is taking everything in Obi-Wan to remain this stoic and strong. Within the next few minutes, whatever barriers he's trying to reinforce will come tumbling down. "Mandalore has been overthrown. They have a new ruler on the throne."

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