I Live to Make You Free

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No. I still haven't recovered from Episode 12 and I refuse to acknowledge the S2 finale. I'm in a state of denial okay?

Things have been tense since their reunion. Crosshair still has no idea how his brothers managed to break into that prison cell on Mount Tantiss. He was so drugged up on whatever Dr. Hemlock had been injecting him with that he could hardly follow along when they first explained their appearance. All he knows currently is that Echo had been the one to discover his imprisonment there and had contacted his brothers to decipher the information.

Echo apparently told them that either they had to band together to save him, or he would be going in with Rex without them. They had to make up their minds fast because they weren't going to leave a man behind.

Even one that had left on his own accord months earlier.

After safely securing him in the Marauder, Crosshair asked the two troopers before they left why they did it. They had no reason to risk their lives for him, really. He and Rex were on neutral terms after Echo's rescue and acceptance into their squad, but that didn't warrant a liberation for him. And Echo had been there when he refused their offer on that Kaminoan platform, so he should have just shrugged off the imprisonment as collateral damage for going back to the Empire.

Instead, Echo simply slapped a firm hand on his shoulder and said, "You're my brother, Crosshair. I couldn't just leave you behind." And with a sad smile, he added, "Even if you might not see it that way right now, I wasn't going to sit around and do nothing while they hurt you."

And that was it.

Since then, he's been working to find his place. His brothers take up occasional missions to aid the citizens of Pabu. While they aren't anything as dangerous as the ones they were tasked with under the Republic, and certainly not his own under the Empire, they are full of excitement.

He's slowly making those connections back with his brothers. After being apart for so long, things that were once like second nature now have to be discussed and considered before he can act.

But, they're getting there.

At least, he tries to tell himself that when he feels out of place. When he doesn't understand the inside jokes said at the table or over the comms, he reminds himself that soon he'll be laughing right along with them. He sends them a tentative half-smile when one of them pulls him aside afterward, and he quickly assures them that he's fine.

Eventually, they'll stop doing that when he finally is.

Currently, they've been tasked with retrieving supplies from Kijimi. They touched down on the planet's surface moments ago, and while the others have been prepping for the frigid weather, he's been trying to gather his wits and courage.

He's been on edge since finding out their location, and now that they're really here he's worried about losing his lunch. Nausea paired with their rocky landing has had him entering the refresher a few times just to reassure himself that he's totally fine.

He decides to keep his helmet tucked under his arm during their briefing, still unsure about placing it on his head quite yet.

"Alright, everyone knows the plan?" Hunter asks as he adjusts his wrist armor.

"Yeah!" Wrecker cheers loudly behind Crosshair, causing him to flinch. As if wanting to make up for it, he wraps a strong arm around his brother's chest and pulls him close. "Let's get going already." He says softer as he encouragingly raps his knuckles on his armor.

Tech slams his fist against the wall in response, opening the ramp with a steady groan. He and Omega bound out into the new world with tenacity. Hunter follows right behind them and Crosshair finds himself sucking in deep, controlled breaths as he walks closer to the exit with Wrecker trailing him.

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