Padawan Crossing

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Strolls through the Temple have always been relaxing for Qui-Gon. The Living Force buzzes with excitement and energy. He can feel it alive within the Knights and the Masters. The new padawans shimmer in the Force with enthusiasm about what their future holds. But the ones that always bring a smile to his face are the younglings. Rarely do they carry anything but light and jubilation.

The Force begins to brighten and he looks for who the owner of this could possibly be. At this moment, something rams into the back of his legs. He turns and looks down, seeing a youngling trying to remove himself from Qui-Gon many robes. "Sorry, Master." He quickly says. He gives a quick bow out of respect.

"It's quite alright," Qui-Gon replies, seeing the soft blush of embarrassment reach the boy's cheeks. "Maybe we should watch where we're going in the future."

"Yes, Master." He says. He puffs his chest out just a bit then glances around. "Master, have you seen where my group has gone?"

Qui-Gon gives his own look around the Temple. Nowhere in sight is a group of younglings. In fact, Qui-Gon can't even recall seeing the herd of them at all today. This boy must really be lost. And though there are plenty of other things Qui-Gon would rather do than hunt down younglings, he knows it's not safe for a child this age to be on their own, even in the Temple.

"I have not. But why don't we look for them together, young one." He answers. The child nods his head, sticking close to him.

"I'm sure they're not too far away. I was only distracted for a little bit." The youngling says. "Watching the older padawans train is just so cool."

This makes Qui-Gon softly chuckle. Lightsaber duels capture the attention of everyone, including even the older Masters. It's no surprise that this youngling was so easily distracted. "Of course. Lightsaber duels are quite entertaining, youngling." He really should stop referring to him as just a youngling. He obviously has a name and Qui-Gon should make the effort of wanting to learn it. "I'm Qui-Gon Jinn. What's your name?"

"I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi." He grins, sporting a few missing teeth. "I knew who you were." He adds, giving a playful squint and pointing up at him. 

"Did you now?"

"Everyone does." He says. His eyes are wide and his tone makes it seems like this should be common knowledge. This dramatic action from him forces Qui-Gon to hold back a laugh. When you're older, you are expected to show little emotion and stay calm and collected. Young ones are still learning how to maintain their emotions, so it's amusing to see them flaunt them without care. "You had Master Dooku."

"Yes, I did. Is that a bad thing?" Qui-Gon asks as they enter another room of the Temple. A few Jedi give Qui-Gon a nod of acknowledgment. They even give soft smiles and waves to the youngling at his side. 

"Of course not. Master Dooku is really good. Especially at dueling." Obi-Wan cheers. He swings his arm, acting like he's using a lightsaber.

"Then why is it such a shock that I had him?" Qui-Gon asks, watching Obi-Wan leap forward and pretend to block stray bullets. Noticing the eyes of other Jedi, he calms himself and goes back to Qui-Gon's side. He's been told far too much to remain calm and he wants to impress Master Jinn with his skill. So Obi-Wan studies him then tuck his arms into his robes like him. It brings a soft smile to Qui-Gon's face.

Obi-Wan raises his head high, mimicking the stoic Jedi beside him. "He's really tall. You are too, but he's got a deep voice. And my creche mates say that he never smiles. They think that he's scary."

"Do you find him scary?"

"Nope," Obi-Wan replies, shaking his head. "I'm not scared of anything. I'm going to be a Jedi after all."

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