Water || Roku's Return

Start from the beginning

"She might have a concussion. She's been hit a bunch today, I think about three times with her head. Is there anything you can do?"

"No, all of the healing stuff Gran-Gran gave us is back with Appa. We just need her to hold out a little longer."

Sokka's Pov

She's just gotta hold on. Y/n is strong, and I know that she'll be okay. She has to be okay.

Y/n's head is hanging low again, and her eyes can't seem to focus on one single thing. Her eyelids flutter, and she's fighting off sleep. I know that if we manage to get out of here, she won't be able to walk on her own, so I'll have to carry her again.

I mean, I'm not complaining. She's not that heavy and it's kinda nice having her close...SOKKA FOCUS NOW IS NOT THE TIME!

She left her tree branch somewhere, and Zuko knocked her switchblade out of her hand. I have to make sure that she doesn't loose it. Y/n told me how important it was, and I don't want her to leave it behind in the Fire Nation, especially since she's barely able to function as it is...

It should be somewhere near the stairwell, because that's where she tried to attack Zuko. Aang just needs to get out of there quick so we can get her to safety. So I can get everyone to safety.

Y/n's Pov

Another bright light escaped the grand doors, and smoke leaks through the cracks. Zuko has been chained up too, but he's a couple pillars away from us. I'm struggling to stay conscious, but I need to stay awake. I can't bail on everyone now, not when Aang's in serious danger of getting scorched by multiple firebenders.

The doors slowly open, and all of the Fire Nation men stayed in place. The light faded away and Zhao spoke, "Ready..."

"No! Aang!" Katara was shouting, and Sokka began pulling against the chains. It wasn't helping at all, and it caused me to slide down a bit so my toes could touch the stone.

"Fire!" all of the soldiers bended at the same time, creating a whirlwind of orange and yellow.

It forms into a sphere, which breaks open, revealing an old man inside. His eyes are glowing, and he has his long, white hair tied up with a hairpin. He also had a flowing beard, which I'm curious to know if its ever caught on fire before. He's wearing robes and wrist guards, and looks nothing like Aang. He was bending the fire to keep away from him, creating a ring around his body.

What happened to Aang? How long was he in there for?

"Avatar Roku."

The previous Avatar converged the flames together, and shot it out in a wave. It hit all the Fire Nation soldiers and rolled straight towards us. I didn't scream, because there would be no point. I had no way of escaping this time.

Instead of burning us to a crisp, the metal bound around us melted. I collapsed onto the floor, my limbs spread out in all directions. My vision had little sparkles dancing about, decorating the temple with sprinkles of purple and white. Everything was happening too fast for me to process, so I stayed there. Limp on the floor, tired, injured, ready to be taken by whoever this strange "Avatar Roku" man was.

The building started to rumble, and the vibrations traveled throughout my bones. "Avatar Roku is going to destroy the temple. We have to get out of here!"

"Not without Aang!"

The temperature increased, and a large crack opened up next to me. I reached my hand out towards it, desperate for some form of warmth to bundle up in. Before I could even get close, someone grabbed my arm and dragged me behind a pillar. Sokka and Katara embraced me in a protective huddle as the temple was being split open from the inside out.

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