Chapter Fifty One: A Teaspoon

Start from the beginning

Ron's rapid expression of inspiration vanished, and he quickly returned to his stack of papers.

The entire Weasley family was now much to large to have a meal in the kitchen, so Mrs. Weasley had the long table set up in the back garden again. She had told the family upon Ron's request, that it was a "just cause" dinner, but she had worked herself like it was thanksgiving. Turkey, ham, roast beef, and many other fantastic foods.

Victorie and Teddy sat together, gleefully making castles out of the gloppy mashed potatoes. After awhile, Fleur scolded her daughter in rapid French. After Fleur had turned, Teddy gave Victorie a winning smile.

Harry was too focused on Ron's trembling hands, and on Hermione's eyes, wandering every so often over one of the other girl's wedding rings, to notice Teddy's misbehavior. Ginny was giving him tips on how to get his house to stand up straighter.

Finally, after homemade cheesecake, everyone was feeling very full. Ron stood up. Harry watched in anxious anticipation. His two best friends. Hermione looked at Ron questioningly. He shut his eyes, and let out a shuddering gasp. George snickered.

Ron jumped the gun, and skipped absolutely everything he had written out to say. He pulled a gold teaspoon out of his pocket, and as he got onto one knee, placed it in Hermione's small, shaking hand.

"All-" he stopped mid-sentence. He took a deep breath. "All my emotions go to you."

Then, a dainty ring was in his hand, and before Hermione knew it, he slipped it onto her finger. She didn't even care what it looked like, she flung herself top speed onto his arms, sobbing.

Ron's eyes were wide. He mouthed at Harry, what do I do?! Ginny doubled over laughing.

"Yes," Hermione squeaked into the redhead's shoulder. "Yes, yes, yes."

As soon as they got home, into their little flat, Hermione threw her arms around Ron again.

"Ron, I wanted to apologize."

Ron looked confused, and felt a deep pit of strange worry in his stomach.

"What fo-"

Hermione put a trembling finger to his lips, which was quite hard, considering the height distance.

"I want to apologize for being so stupid. Idiotic. Ungrateful. Girlish. I had no right to be like that. Please, Ron, forgive me."

He stared down into her eyes. They seemed golden. He just now realized the small ring of pleasant green around them, usually hidden by the Chocolaty color. They were clotted with more tears, making them shine.

When I look into your eyes,

It's like watching the night sky,

Or a beautiful sunrise,

There's so much they hold.

Ron tilted her trembling chin up. He pressed her to his chest, smelling her hair. He couldn't pin what it smelt like, not a specific fragrance. If he had to, he'd call it peaceful.

"Don't worry. I love you. I love you for all of it. The good times or the bad. That's what I'm going to be promising you. For better or for worse." Ron knew he sounded cheesy, but he also knew she needed to hear it.

And just like them old stars

I see that you've come so far.

To be right where you are,

How old is your soul?

Hermione rested her head on his chest. She whispered, voice trembling.

"We've been through a lot huh?" He nodded. There was a pause, not uncomfortable or awkward, just warm. "If we're going to be married, I need you to promise me something."

Well I won't give up on us,

Even if the skies get rough,

I'm giving you all my love,

I'm still looking up.

Ron gulped, waiting anxiously.

"Don't ever let me do that again. You don't deserve it. Don't let me be like that. Promise me you're going to tell me, right then, when I'm being stupid and ungrateful." Her voice caught. "Okay?"

'Cause even the stars, they burn

Some even fall to the earth

We got a lot to learn

But God knows we're worth it.

"Okay." Ron replied in a steady voice. They swayed a bit, her arms around his neck, his around her waist. There was a long, long pause, filled only by their thoughts.

"I can't believe you remembered that," she said finally, turning her head to look him in the eyes.

He thought about saying how Harry reminded him, but decided that might not be smart.

"Yeah, it is kind of weird..."

I won't give up, on us,

Even if the skies get rough

I'm giving you all my love,

I'm still looking up

Neither of them knew who had kissed who, but their lips were on eachother's, communicating things that they never could with words. Passion, forgiveness, apologies, love, all wrapped into one kiss, pressing together urgently and tightly, as though after weeks of distancy, they couldn't get enought of eachother.

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up.

Hey soo yay ron proposed 😊

Don't mind the random Auror missions; trying to be creative I guess!

Do any of you guys know my name? 😂

I was wondering if this is dumb or not...I could do a "Question of the Chapter," so I could get to know you guys more, and you could get to know me? Tell me if that's cool or dumb, idk 😊😊


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