"I... No, no."

"If there's somethin you aren't sayin, now would be a really good time to say it."

Parker smirked and let out a slight laugh.
I wanted to punch him so hard right now.
"Alright. All right, I lied."

"No shit sherlock."

He looked at me, eyes formed into thin slots. "Since when are you so salty?"

I snorted. "Since when are you such an asshole? Oh wait, since forever."

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Morgan cut him off, a proud smile on his face.
"What did you lie bout, Dunley?"

"I just wanted her to like me. I met her here. She was a fan of art. I figured if there were hip, young stars coming into the gallery, it would help business."

"The lie, Dunley." I grew impatient by his smug smirk and his bored attitude.

"Someone gave me the piece to give to her, but I told her it was from me. I said I found it and I thought she'd love it."

"And who gave it to you?"

"Her name's Maggie Lowe. She eh works on Lila's show. She said she went to college with Lila. She's like a PA or AD or some acronym. She wanted to make sure that Lila got the collage, but she didn't want Lila to know that she gave it to her. She said to say that it was from a secret admirer."

I exhaled deeply, shaking my head as I remembered seeing her on the set of the show where me and Spencer were looking after Lila, her staring daggers at me as I talked to Lila.

"I know her." I stated while Gideon called Spencer, letting him know who our Unsub was, and exiting the gallery.
"She was on the set and she stared at me like she wanted to kill me."

Elle shrugged. "Well maybe she did."

"Oh thanks, that's so reassuring."
Elle and I chuckled as me and Derek got into one and her and Gideon into he other car.

As fast as I could, I had snatched the key from Morgan's hand and sat into the driver's seat, him complaining that he would throw up so he decided to drive with Gideon, wherefore I ended up driving alone, arriving at Lila's in 20 instead of 30 minutes.

I was about to enter the house when my phone started ringing, Garcias number onto it.
I smiled. "Hey, Garcy, what's up?"

"Where are you?"

I furrowed my brows at the worry in her voice.
"In front of Lila's house, why?"

"She's in there. The UnSub is in there alone. With Reid and Lila."

I took a deep breath, my hand travelling to my gun before hanging up the call and entering the house carefully.
It would take the others 10 minutes to be here and in those 10 minutes, a lot of things could happen.
I wouldn't wait, I would help Spencer and Lila.
     Maggie didn't know I was here so I would take that as an advantage.

Slowly and careful but still fast I covered the living room before making my way around the house, hoping I would find them in time.

My hands were sweaty and my heart beat quickened as I heard shouting from down the hall. "God, you stupid, ungrateful... God, I can't believe that I loved you!"

"Maggie, she eh she loves me now."

I was about to turn the door handle but my body stiffened as Spencer's words penetrated into my ears.
    I knew it was stupid and completely unprofessional and I knew that he was doing it to save Lila's and Maggie's life but I couldn't help but feel my heart sank.

I took a deep breath, shaking the thoughts out of my head and opening the door slowly, my gun raised to point at Maggie, who turned around furiously, her face scrunched up with anger.

Spencer stood opposite of her, his gun on the ground and his hands held up in surrender.
"You! You wanted to steal her away from me! You stupid little-."

"No, I did not but I know that she isn't interested in him."
I nodded toward Spencer, his head slowly shaking because he knew that I wanted him out of danger. And Lila of course but I was working on that.

"I-I know. She does not love him."

I shook my head slowly, my gun still pointed at her. She didn't even realize because she was so caught up in her feelings.
"No, she loves nobody, only herself. She's her own person. Just like you are."

Maggie turned around again, her gun pointed at Lila as she shook her head. I knew I should have fired but I had the feeling that we could persuade her without getting seomone killed.
"No, I created her! I own her!"

I shook my head, taking a couple of steps forward to stay right in front of her, Spencer's eyes full of fear as he slowly tried to get to his gun. I shook my head in his direction before my focus went back to Maggie.
"Maggie, you don't. You can't tell her what to do. You can't tell her whom she has to love and you can't let her get in between you and your life. You don't want to hurt her, okay? She doesn't love you and you have to accept that."

I saw how her body tightened and I knew now was the time that she would combust, so as she started to scream I grabbed her hands, collecting her gun and throwing it to the other side of the room before she rolled away, laying onto the ground while Spencer had his gun pointed at her, shoving me behind him slightly.

I knew he had everything under control, which was why I turned around and hugged Lila, who cried into my shoulder, her whole body was shaking from fear.

I knew how that felt and I hoped that she would carry on her life like she wanted to.
But I knew she was a strong person; She would get through this and I would help her every step of the way. 


Oh guys, only 2 chapters left!
I'm so excited!

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