ʙᴏɴᴜs 3.3 |✔

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I sat up against the wall, tying up my wound with another ripped off piece of my shirt as I took a deep breath, relieved that she didn’t shot an artery.

I was sure that If she wanted to, she would’ve; She seemed experienced enough to know where and where not to shoot somebody in order for them to die.
As far as I knew the robberies they did, she was the only one shooting and always shot her victims in the gut to let them bleed out while they robbed the bank.
Why was I different? Because I was an Agent? Or because I was dominant with her, looked her in the eyes, played her game?

Again, the phone started to ring, bringin me out of my thoughts as the men hurried to it, picking it up. “Why hasn’t anyone come in yet?”
He listened, something in his eyes seemed to show that he was surpised, maybe even a little bit afraid as he nooded.
“Hurry.” He hung up before turning to the women. “They know our names.”

The women put her mask down, smirking and turning to face the security camera, while grabbing her red lipstick out of her jacket pocket and painting her lips with it.
“Not all our names.” She enjoyed it; She enjoyed the spotlight, to be seen, to be know, to be feared.
Unlike the two brothers who just wanted money.

The other Guy followed her actions with taking off the mask, watching her movements in confusion. “They’re sending someone in.”

“Chris.” I heard the muffled voice of Olly behind me as his brother, Chris, turned around, running to him.

“Olly, Olly, no. No, no stay with me.” He turned to me, his eyes full of shock, fear and anger, his gun aimed at me.
“Help him!”

I knew that if his brother would die, nobody would be able to talk to him, control him, which was why I got up, despite of the pain in my body, and sat down in front of him, pressing onto his wound as his blood dripped down my hands.
“Olly, look at me. Help is on it’s way. You're not going to die, you’ll be okay. Just hang on a sec.”

I saw that the piece of fabric I had given him some time ago was completely drained, I ripped another piece off and pressed it onto the wound. From the corner of my eye I saw the medic coming in and I moved away, Chris still on his side.

“Chris, I don’t feel so good.” Olly stated as he started to choke and I closed my eyes, hearing Chris screaming at the medic.
I knew he wasn’t going to get better, Olly was gone.

“Oliver, can you hear me?” The Medic tilted his head down, seeing if he was still breathing before lifting his head onto his chest, giving him a cardiac massage.
“Come on, Olly.”

“Stay with me, Oliver.” As the Medic unpacked his ventilator, my eyes were locked onto the women, who wasn’t fazed at all by the possibility of losing her team member.
She didn't care one tiny bit for those man.

In a matter of seconds -in my seconds of distractions- I heard another gunshut ring and I looked to the side to find the Medic going to the, ground, with a gunshot from Chris in his abdomen.

I flinched as I hurried toward them; Now I had a bag full of medical supplies. I could try and help them. Or rather the medic since Olly was apparently already dead.

But before I could get to them, Chris grabbed my hair and swapped me up, pushing me forward to the other hostages. “But I can- I can help him. I can-.”

“Shut up! You couldn’t help my brother, your team was not efficient enough, now you gotta pay. Everybody move five feet forward. Five feet! Line up!”
I looked behind me and saw Chris sitting in front of the telephone, waiting for another call, while the women came to a halt next to him.

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