Chapter 5 |✔

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I wasn't really excited. Not even when Tammy showed up at my door and asked me if I was ready.

I didn't want to go.
I had enough work to do. I just couldn't seem to understand why I'd go out when I could do so many other things, which would have been more productive than eating and chatting.

Nevertheless was I ready to go but my best friend had other things to do. She drank two glasses of wine before pleading with me that I should drive.

I just rolled my eyes at her, grabbing her keys and driving to the Italian restaurant the mysterious man had come up with. It was one of those restaurants you'd never go to, unless you had someone who would pay for your meal.

After I parked Tamara's Ford, I got out and adjusted my button up and my skirt that Tam made me wear, before linking my arms with my best friend and walking inside of the fancy looking building.

The moment we entered the restaurant I smelled the delicious Italian food and immediately felt comfortable.
I loved Italian food.

"Good evening, Ladies. You have a reservation?" the waiter at the front asked, looking us up and down and frowning. Apparently, we didn't look like we had enough money to be here.

"Good evening to you too, Sir. We indeed have a reservation under the name of 'Morgan'." Tamara said politely, without even noticing the condemning glance from the waiter.
Well now I didn't feel that comfortable anymore.

"Yes, follow me." He led us to a table right in the middle of the restaurant, lighting up the candle and leaving immediately after.

My eyes followed him as he made his way over to the other customers, a huge and flashy smile on his face.
     I just shook my head, thinking about how awful human beings really were.

I turned to my best friend, not wanting to let this judgmental person destroy this night.
   I wanted to try my best and be happy and excited for Tammy.

She certainly was because as I was speaking to her she had the widest grin on her face I've ever seen.
And she always grinned.
"This guy really gets to you, doesn't he?"

She swallowed, brushing her straightened hair behind her ear. "What do you mean?"

I laughed and shook my head at her acted unawareness.
"I mean the guy you just met, whom I have no idea how he looks like and how he is. I just know his last name. The problem with that is, I'm certain that you don't even know much more either, am I right?"

She blushed and looked down, fidgeting her ring with her slim fingers. She was ashamed.
"N-No, I know a lot about him..."

I sighed as she tried to come up with the most basic things, I've ever heard someone could know about someone else, before taking ahold of her hands and looking her deep in the eyes.
"Calm down, Tamm. It's okay. You know that I never judge. I'm just worried about you and your big, goofy heart."

She tilted her head to the side and sighed as well, smiling softly.
   "I know and I'm very grateful, but I'm afraid too, you know? It's like, every guy I like just wants the one thing and I just want to be loved more than for one night."

With my thumb, I drew soothing circles on her palm. "Well maybe you should start looking at real man, not bad boys or whatever you have a fetish for."

"Hey!" she protested and pulled her hands away from mine.
"I do not have any fetishes! I just like to be in the dream world of mine where I think I can change a bad boy into a bad boy who only wants me."

I groaned and rolled my eyes.
"That won't ever happen to you. It never happens. I have women that come to me because of that. Their hearts got broken, maybe they even got raped because they got involved with a bad boy, as you like to call them. They fell into depression because of a man, do you believe that? It's so silly."

She snorted and shook her head yes. "Yeah I can believe that because I was in love multiple times. You can't believe it because you are as cold as ice and won't ever let any man in, even if they try to be nice."

"Yeah because I don't want anyone to have the power about me or my emotions. I want to decide how I feel, not let anyone come in my way and make something that makes me feel worthless or sad. That's not my scene. I don't want a relationship."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on! I see the stick up your ass from over here. Don't be such a snob. Start living."

I took a deep breath and shook my head. "Okay, what do you want from me?"

She smirked and rubbed her palms against each other. "You have to promise me to have more dates and if you are interested in a guy, let him in! It would be good for you to stop concentrating on work and start concentrating on life."


"And before you argue-."
She interrupted herself and tilted her head, her eyes full of surprise. "Okay? What do you mean? Where's the hook? With you, there's always a hook."

I smirked and tilted my eyebrows. "Well, I'm going to do everything you said but just under one condition."

"Everything, literally! Apart from giving you my little mermaid DVD. You know that it's like my bible, you wouldn't do that to me."

"No, never! Don't get in between a girl and her Prince Eric."

We both laughed and she nodded. "True."

"I'm gonna let someone in, if this date goes well."

She snorted and nodded her head.
"Well then we won't have a problem 'cause this date is going to be-."
She got interrupted by her phone vibrating in her bag.

As fast as she could she searched through her little brown purse before flipping her phone open and answering the call. "Hello? Oh yeah, hey. Yeah, we're-."

She got really quiet all of a sudden and her big smile vanished from her lips as she nodded helplessly.
"N-No, no it's okay. No problem. It's not like we don't have other things to do. No, what? Pff, I'm not mad. Sure, yeah. Bye."

As soon as she ended the call, her lips began to tremble and her fingers kept snapping the phone open and closed.

I knew what that meant.
"They won't come, right?"

She took a deep breath, trying to hold in her sadness as she nodded her head yes. "Yeah they have to catch the earlier flight. I'm sorry."

"Oh Tammy, don't be. It's not your fault. They should be sorry."

She nodded sadly as she packed her things and started to walk out of the restaurant, with me following on her heal.
"Hey Tammy, wait! We still can have a great dinner together!"

She turned around, her eyes starting to get watery as she shook her head. "No! It's not the same, it's just-."

I sighed, grabbed her hand and shoved her inside again, sitting down and grabbing the menu. "Don't worry, we don't need men."

This was the moment I decided to hate that Morgan guy and that I was right: Men were a waste of time. 


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