Chapter 11: More Confessions

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"Oh, Elllliiee!" I creased my forehead and crossed my arms in annoyance as Lucy called to me as she was getting comfortable in her sleeping bag. I sighed when she patted it in eagerness. "Come sit, please!"

"Oh, here we go..." I turned around and slouched before sitting on my own sleeping bag next to her. "So what, we having this discussion again?"

She puffed out her cheeks in anger. "Yes we are! This is what best friends do, you know!"

"What discussion?" Wendy asked as she was brushing her long blue hair out for bed. Carla was already fast asleep herself, and I could tell she wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. Eevee was also sound asleep on my sleeping bag already.

"A boy discussion. One that involves a crush on one of them." Lucy's tone made me look away in more annoyance.

I blushed completely red, keeping my voice quiet. "So what? I'm a girl. And girls get feelings for boys sometimes!"

"Oh my," Erza said as she sat down herself. "This should be interesting. Tell us, Ellie."

I growled, completely flustered. "Fine. But this stays between all of us. And keep it down! I don't want the guys hearing!"

"Yeah, don't worry!" Wendy said back softly. "Our lips are sealed."

"Well, go on. Who is it?" Erza got comfortable in the circle of us.

Lucy chuckled evilly. "I know exactly who it is."

I clenched my sleeping bag. "Yeah, yeah. I make it obvious, don't I?"

"Huh?" Wendy asked.

Lucy looked at her and smiled. "It's a certain champion we met today. A very handsome one."

Wendy was kind enough to whisper her response excitedly. "Wait, you mean Leon??"

"That's right!" Lucy replied just as quiet. "But I gotta say, I don't blame you, Ellie. He is very attractive and strong. You picked a good one!"

"Okay!" My heart was pounding from her words. "Well don't make it a scene. I don't even know if he likes me like that."

"Hmm." Erza crossed her arms. "Well, I'd say you just need to get to know him more. I'm sure this mission will help with that too."

"Yeah, you're right Erza!" Wendy leaned forward onto her hands. "Ellie, you just need to spend more time with him! Then he'll see just how amazing you are! I mean, he's already said you're pretty, right?"

I blushed again and looked down. "Yeah...I guess so."

"So you have a chance!" Lucy exclaimed. "And I know that he'll fall for you! Just be yourself, and he'll ask you out maybe even tomorrow!"

"No he won't!" I countered. "And besides, I think he's way more focused on something else right now. Like getting his best friend back?"

"O-oh yeah..." Lucy lost her excitement and slumped in sadness. "I forgot about that..."

"What happened to Charizard, Ellie?" Wendy asked. "He Dynamaxed right? That's what it's called?"

I nodded, feeling my own sadness for Lee. "He did...but it's much worse than that. Charizard is able to Gigantimax, which is just like Dynamaxing, but stronger." I looked away. "The Pokémon even changes its form, and the attacks are even more powerful. Charizard was able to go back to normal for awhile, but whatever's causing the Pokémon to stay Dynamaxed or Gigantimaxed got to him. Now he's lost his mind and can't control himself at all. Which also means he's very dangerous being a champion's Pokémon."

"Poor Charizard...and Lee too..." Lucy lowered her head while blinking her chocolate brown eyes. "I'm sorry, Ellie. You're right, we need to focus on saving Charizard and every other Pokémon affected by this."

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