Chapter 4: Planning

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After I explained everything that happened in Fiore to Leon and Sonia, they understood how much Fairy Tail meant to me. They also knew how much Team Natsu would be able to help. The fact that Arceus even came to meet them made that even more clear of how drastic this whole situation was.

Professor Sonia went to her computer, and a projector next to it enlarged her screen. A Dynamaxed Yamper appeared on it, and Team Natsu let out a sound in awe. "This is a Pokémon that's been what's called Dynamaxed. They grow to an enormous size and their strength and stats are raised by ten times. It's what you saw outside, too. That was a Dynamaxed Wooloo. It's a very common way of battling in this region that we're in, the Galar region. They only stay this way for a short time though, usually."

"What do you mean...usually?" Wendy asked with worried eyes.

I looked at Leon, and he blinked at me with a hint of sadness. I looked down myself. "Recently...Pokémon everywhere have been Dynamaxing and staying that way permanently. Even when we wear them down from battling them, they just get right back up again and don't go back to normal. We have no idea what's causing it, or how to shrink them back down to normal size either."

"And to top that off..." Sonia stepped up next to us. "I've been communicating with the professors of other regions of this world. Apparently Pokémon that are able to Mega-Evolve are also doing so and staying that way too. It's racking all of our brains..."

"You have no ideas whatsoever of why this is happening?" Erza blinked in concern.

Sonia shook her head. "That's what's so frightening about it. It's gotten so bad that the whole region is on lockdown. Every town and city is ordering people to stay in their homes and not come out under any circumstances. We hope to the heavens that the Dynamaxed Pokémon won't do anything to the buildings either with how big they've gotten."

"So far they haven't. They only attack when they see people outside or when you try to battle them all together." Leon kept leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. Eevee twitched her ears as she and Pikachu stayed quiet on the couch. "And when you try to Dynamax your own Pokémon to calm them down..."

"Lee." I became serious when I knew what he was about to say. "You don't have to talk about that." He grunted, and looked away in shame.

"Huh?" Nastu questioned. "Talk about what?"

I let out a breath in submittance. "Leon...he Gigantamaxed one of his Pokémon which is another form of Dynamaxing, but even stronger." I nodded to Sonia, and she clicked on a Gigantamaxed Charizard. Leon looked away from the picture in sadness while Team Natsu were staring at how coll he looked. "Charizard...immediately stopped listening to him and went on a rampage. Leon barely made it out alive with how strong he became."

Lucy widened her eyes. "Charizard? Wait...don't you have one of those too, Ash?"

"Yeah..." Ash lowered his head. "But mine can't Gigantamax like Leon's does. All he can do is Mega-Evolve because I only have the wristband and the Mega Stone to do that. But I can't even do that right now because of what's happening. I would risk my Charizard going on a rampage as his Mega-evolved form too."

"That's not going to happen," I glared at him and then looked at Leon. "And Lee, you had no idea what would happen either. So do not blame yourself. You were doing what a champion would do by trying to help that poor Pokémon. That's exactly what I would've done too."

He looked at me, giving me a slight grin that I really liked. "I appreciate that, Ellie. Much obliged." I smiled sweetly at his reply.

"Still sucks though..." Natsu said with his head lowered. Lucy elbowed his chest and he grunted in pain. "Hey!"

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