Her Demise

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Anna lay in her bed for a week as she struggled with her feelings for Nathan. She'd try to talk herself out of how she felt, and then Nathan would turn around and do something nice for her. Over the next week, he decorated her room with flowers, brought her a TV with a DVD player, and brought her some movies. Nathan had drawn her a candlelit bath every night to relieve any stress of the day, not making an advance on her as he planned to do all of these things in the hopes she would come to him.

His plan would eventually work. Anna had awoken a week after their first dinner with an overwhelming desire to be around Nathan. As she made her way through the bathroom to the locked door on the other side, he was in his room, asleep in his bed. "Are you in there, Nathan?" She inquired as she gently tapped on the door.

Nathan jumped up as soon as he heard her voice. He quickly retrieved his keys from the nightstand and unlocked the door. "Yes, Anna, is everything all right?" he inquired from the other side of the doorway.

Anna raised her gaze to Nathan, who was dressed only in a pair of black sweatpants. His pelvic bone was visible through the top of the pants, which sat below his waistline. She stood in his presence, staring in awe at his still-perfect body.

Nathan then looked up and down at Anna, staring at her stunning beauty as he sat aroused. She was dressed in shorts and a tank top, her hair in a messy bun. "Is everything all right, Anna?" He asked again as she pushed him back onto his bed.

Anna began to kiss Nathan again, but this time with intense passion rather than force. He welcomed her approach and kissed her passionately back. Nathan then pushed him and Anna onto his bed, where she sat on top of him. He cradled the sides of her face in his palms, taking in all of her. "Is this what you want, Anna?" In between breaths, he inquired.

"Yes," she said, continuing to kiss him from his neck to his chest.

Nathan then flipped Anna over onto her back with his body on top, slowly removing all of her clothes and kissing every inch of her. Anna welcomed his touch, thrusting her hips up to his as they began to make love and became entwined.

They had been engaged in each other's company for some time before becoming tired from exhaustion. After finishing, Anna and Nathan climbed back into bed and quickly drifted off to sleep, Nathan on his back and Anna in his arms.

After a few hours, a random thought of Anna seeing his computer monitor jolted him awake. He gently lifted Anna's head and placed it back down, not disturbing her peaceful sleep. He crept over to his computers and unplugged them from the wall, hoping she wouldn't wake up from the sudden movement. Nathan then walked over to the side of his bed, realizing that his keys had been sitting right next to him the entire time. Anna could have slipped out while he slept, but she remained peacefully asleep in his bed. Nathan then sat on the edge of the bed, adoring her and watching Anna sleep like an angel. She rolled over and looked at him as he gazed at her with such affection shortly after he began to relax. "I'm a little hungry," she said with a smile.

Nathan responded to her statement with a slight chuckle "Okay. I'll bring you something to eat. Do you want to accompany me to the kitchen, or do you want me to bring something up to you?"

"If that's okay, I'll come down. I need to get out of here." Anna then rose and re-dressed her naked body as Nathan stood transfixed by her. He then took the keys from the nightstand and exited the room. Nathan had not bound her for the first time as they moved to another part of the house. As they entered the kitchen, he let her go because he believed she had finally given up on the idea of trying to flee.

"Eggs good?" As he bent down to check what he had in the fridge, he asked.

"Sure, eggs would be fantastic," Anna replied. She then cast a glance behind her and noticed the basement door open. Nathan's back was still turned to her as he continued to cook. Anna rose slowly from her seat, curious about what was going on in his basement. She descended the stairs and approached the second door slowly. Nathan turned in time to catch her as she reached for the knob before she made her way in through the door.

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