chapter seven : Fillers

Beginne am Anfang

I had already grabbed the soup and added it to the water along with the mop. I walked to the ballroom at a quick but careful pace. I placed my headphones in and played the song :

Vijay Bhava

(a/n: I'm a bit of a Indian song fan. Sorry not sorry. But this song has a certain battle tune to it.)

I dried the mop and begin. I'll admit that I might have snuck in some training moves in my cleaning movements. I moved to the beat of the song. Making sure that nobody saw me. Cause I'm shy when it comes to an audience. So it's better to freestyle alone then with somebody else.

When I sang with Grell it was different since I was not doing it alone. So it was easer. I grabbed the feather duster and dusted off the instruments in the room that where probably used for special ball's. I added a few dance moves in-between.

In a way I was technically montaging. Cause thirty minutes I was done. I noticed Dexter watching me finish. These past few days he's been following me around and it's become normal but I didn't want Ciel to find out that I was harbouring an animal without he's notice. So it was a hassle to hide him.

But sometimes he'd get the messages and hide while he wasn't looking. For a cat he was really smart. Our bond is very strong. I smile at the thought. I stepped out and headed to the next location. It being the guest rooms.

Three of them to be exact.

After that I was allowed to take a ten minute break. I usually just use it to catch up on my Whattped stories. And sometimes just check out YouTuber videos of popular YouTubers. (That I downloaded but forgot to watch). Judging by how long I've been here. It's been technically a week at most.

When's the Jack the ripper ark gonna begin?

" Nah who cares? I'll just worry about it when I get to it. " I said as I was shrugging.

(Time skip brought to you by lazy author.)

" And I'm finally done!" I said as I finished brushing up the last room.

I placed my headphones on and played AJR songs I played 'Burn the house down' and lightly sang only loud enough for me to hear. I was heading to the garden. I might have taken a few wrong turns. But that's not the point.

I noticed Sebastian's shadow up ahead and for some reason I felt the need to hide my ass. As if on instinct I ran into the nearest closet and shut the door...








He seemed to pass by and not notice a thing. Or maybe he was pretending to not notice. I mean come on. He's a fucking demon for god sake.

Than it hit me...

Why the fuck am I hiding!?

For some reason this reminds me of the time I was hiding from my principle cause I kinda graffiti'd the school walls. And yes. I'm a female delinquent. I liked causing trouble sometimes. Only cause the principal was a real prick.

The surprising thing is. I never got caught. I never really showed my face so it was kinda hard for the cameras to show my face. Some of my peers who respected my boldness called me the prank master. Cause I sometimes rigged the school with paint balloons. And caused a paint explosion.

Black Butler x modern reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt