Chapter 31- Great leaps

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After my encounter with Angelica, I headed over to find Jack. I did feel a teeny tiny bit bad about crossing Angelica but I didn't know her enough and my sentiment has always been to look after my family first. Despite my father's rather opposite intentions in that regard. At first, it was Will and Elizabeth, they were the only people who cared about me in the slightest and I would do anything for them. Then came Jack and Ngaio. All four of them, whether they wanted it or not, would always have my help and protection. But of course, Elizabeth lost that the moment she betrayed Jack.

Angelica is a good person, I think, but her intentions are completely unreadable and what she asked of me I could never actually do. Jack despite his lack of being able to show it sometimes is a good person... sometimes but that's how we both are. No matter what Angelica offers me I will never betray Jack; he has my loyalty Angelica does not.

I flicked Jack on the side of his head as I plopped myself down next to him with an absolute lack of grace.

"What did Angelica want?" Jack asked with an air seriousness.

"Oh not much just betray you and be loyal to her," I replied nonchalantly looking away from Jack trying not to smile.

"And what did you say to such a request?"


"Fingers crossed?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow. As if I would do anything else.

"Of course. What do you take me for? An honourable pirate?" I laughed.

"Well you can be on occasion Luv," Jack pointed out pulling me a little closer to him.

"So can you. On very very very rare occasions," I joked leaning closer but Jack had a plan of his own.

Apparently, he decided he would the one to tease me today and so instead of paying attention to me he turned his attention to the young man from earlier. He was going to pay for that later.

"Clergyman, " Jack began grabbing the attention of the blonde who had been splashing his face in the cool clear waters of the stream the flowed a little ways away from our boots.

The man turned to Jack and I rolled my eyes knowing what Jack was going to say.

"On the off chance, this doesn't end well for me. I would like it noted that I am fully prepared to believe in whatever I must, so I may be welcomed into the place where all the goody-goodies go went they pop their clogs, savvy?"

I rolled my eyes again. I mean I don't blame him for trying. I couldn't be bothered to even do that. I was going to keep living my life as I always have getting into much trouble as I please and in the end, I will accept the consequences or perhaps join the crew of the Flying Dutchman again and avoid consequences altogether.

"We have a word for that Jack, you can convert, " he said with utmost seriousness that I almost burst out laughing but of course the clergyman did not know Jack as I did.

I was expecting the man to frown or for some sort of disappointment or confusion to find its way onto his face but something else has ensnared his attention and when I looked at where his eyes were glued I realised why.

"Quartermaster!" He cried jumping to his feet with a look of concern. "She can't breathe!"

"She has water, " The tall tattooed and scarred man dismissed.

"She needs air, " he countered rushing to the glass coffin the mermaid was being carried in. I rose to my feet also, she was clearly suffering and that was not something I would tolerate.

"Open it, " I commanded my hand sliding to the sword that for some reason had not been taken from me.

"She will escape, " He dismissed again.
"You're killing her, " The clergyman said standing up. I really must ask his name.

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