Chapter 25- Angelica

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Turning around slowly and a little wearily we saw the red and white-clothed soldier spread lifelessly on the dirtied floor caked mud.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a figure emerging from a pub. The figure was a familiar one.

"Hello Jackie, " Captain Teague said with a salute.

"Hello Dad, " Jack replied cooly with the same small gesture.

"Still got the lovely lady with ya I see, " he acknowledged as we wandered over still a little cautious of the many soldiers that wander this city. Or at least I was

"Indeed I have, " Jack smirked pulling me closer to him by the waist.

We sat in the pub amongst the chattering, laughing and general drunkenness talking about the mysterious fountain of youth. As I suspected there was more to it than what Jack and I knew. We needed two chalices from the Ponce de Leon's ship.

The last thing Jack's dad had told us was that there were people in the pub signing up people tonight. Then he disappeared into thin air as Jack and I had turned around to peer at the group behind us.

"He sure is mysterious, " I said trying to work out where he had gone.


Once Jack had filled me in on what had happened with King George and Barbossa we headed over to the man who was singing surrounded by a large group of drunken men and women. Thankfully their noise allowed me and Jack to slink up behind, and their drunkenness meant my knife went unnoticed.

"I hear you be recruiting a crew, " I said coming up behind him and putting a knife to his throat.

"Aye. That is Jack Sparrow be puttin' together a modest venture, " he replied a little tense under the blade.

Jack stepped around and glared at the man as I removed my knife and slid it back into my boot.

"You've got some nerve, ain't ya. Turnin' up here dressed like that! What are you some kind of imposter?" The man exclaimed?

"Do you have any idea who I am mate?"
The man laughed, "Oi muckers! Some bloke here what forgot his own name!"

The pub burst out in hearty laughter which was only broken by a sailor's announcement that he was sailing under Jack Sparrow.

We slunk through the rowdy crowd, thankfully no longer the centre of attention, and went back through where the sailor had come out off. I found myself a little surprised when I came face to face with an uncanny silhouette of Jack even though he was stood beside me.

"You've stolen me and I'm here to take myself back, " Jack declared.

The imposter darted behind a wooden beam and Jack planted himself around the other side after scampering across the floor.
He took a small glance back at me as I sauntered over to the barrels in the room seemingly questioning why it was that I was now slumped on a wall rather than helping him.

The fighting began quickly and the sounds of metal clanging spitefully against metal flooded the room. They both moved swiftly and with skill.

They fought around the large fire then upon the rickety wooden beams above.
I followed them around a little but also kept an eye on the door ready to deal with anyone who might come traipsing through.
I continued to watch from the side until Jack was pinned between a fire and the imposter's sword.

I put my own at the imposter's throat.
"Oh so now you step in, " Jack huffed.

"Your imposter your problem, " I argued. "Now any idea who this is?"

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