A: " Oh well you are right! It's time for you to move on and find a better love!"

S:  " No I don't think I am ready to fall in love again with someone else. I can find happiness some other ways like Music or friend like you and those friends that I love so dearly despite of them not knowing me!"

A: " You still mad at them then?"

S: "Not really mad I am just disappointed but maybe because they know I like Jimin there could be a possibility that I could have done it because I could be a bitch when I wanted to but I am not that heartless to do that to a pregnant woman!"

A: " I know for sure they know now that they screw up not believing you that's why they keep on calling to apologize!"

S: " Well I'll talk to them soon enough I can't avoid them forever as if I have a choice we are part of an idol group for crying out loud!"

A: "Is it fun being part of an idol group? When I was not working with you guys yet I thought being an Idol is like glam fame and wealth like relax luxury life. But when I came to work with you guys I saw how difficult it is your schedule, practice the concerts like everytime you go back to the dressing room you are all drench in sweat and sometimes you are heaving because of  dancing too much on live shows. You have photoshoots that take up the whole day, interviews are back to back I mean it is so tiring!"

S: " Well it is the truth that it is tiring but we love what we do being a performer is in our blood. Even if we come back all sweat sometimes crawling because of exhaustion we feel good because we have given a good show for our fans. And our fans are amazing I can't explain how amazing they are. Sometime I always think about why they love us so much like why do they support us so passionately and I don't know the answer up to this point. But they are our main motivation why we do what we do!"

A: " Army fans is literally an army they are a lot and they will really fight for you guys. whenever I check twitter if someone leaves a rude comment or post anything bad about you they are there in thousands protecting the next thing you know the account of the basher  is suspended! Sometime it's fun to read on twitter I became an army myself not because I work with you guys because your fans showed me everything what to love about you!"

S: "That"s why we are thankful to them. They always work to make our dreams come true. We work hard on our music release it and the fans will do the rest. Sometimes we don't even need heavy advertisement because they do it for us. That's how huge their impact is to us as a group!"

We talk about random things while drinking. I am getting a bit tipsy but I don't care we are safe in Annie's home anyways no one can take my picture here even if I got wasted.

We decided to eat the spicy instant ramen that we bought. So Annie got up and went to the kitchen to boil some water when we heard the doorbell rang. We look at each other wide eye. "Does Suga know where you live?" I ask him in a whisper as the doorbell continue to rang. As I tiptoe towards the door and look through the peep hole I can't see anything at all it's pitch black.

"No he has not been here ever!" she told me in a whisper too. We both walk back to the kitchen debating if we will open the door or not. "So who is at the door then?!" I ask her "I dunno the only thing I told Suga is that I am staying at the old apartment of Shiela!" She answered of course Suga might have called Shiela to know the address.

"Do you think it's them?" She ask me. " I am not sure because when I checked the peephole it's too dark I can't see who is outside!" I answered back.

The doorbell just keep on ringing. " We can hear you are inside your whispers are no use to my sensitive hearing!" Suga shouted at the other side of the door. I forgot that he has bionic ears that's why he is so good on producing music because he has good hearing.

So we didn't have a choice as Annie open the door we saw Suga, Taehyung and Jin outside. They all look upset maybe because I wasn't answering my phone and I turned it off.

"Why are you not answering our calls? We are so worried when we can't find you we went to your house and to the dorms we even call your parents to check if you were with them!" Jin said the nerve of him to scold me after what he did earlier. So I turn my back at him and walk towards the living room.

"Don't turn your back at me young lady!" Jin said sternly. So I look back at him he looks taken aback because of the anger that he sees in my eyes. I look at every single one of them. " Why do you bother to call and to worry about me? Huh? Why? You never bother to listen to me earlier, You never even ask me my side of the story you just believe whatever that bitch say!" I shouted at them the soju is giving me more courage than I expected.

" Sammie don't shout at us we are older than you!" Suga said sternly he is very big on the age status and respect and I know I am going overboard on my reaction but right now I don't care.

Jin raise his hand at Suga to make him stop talking so I know that's a go signal for me to continue. " You know what hurts? I have been with you for years you know me better than I know myself. That is what I thought but I was wrong. You believe what she said that I can be that heartless that I can be that rude. You don't have an idea how painful it is for the people I trust and love doubt me. I can see how disappointed you all are at me! So why are you looking for me now?? You should have not bother!" I told them my knees suddenly felt weak and I feel so tired so I just sit down at the sofa and look at the floor.

I am trying to control my anger, I am trying to calm down. No one from them spoke after me. The silence in the room is deafening I can only hear my breathing. After a few minutes someone sit beside me at the sofa and put his arms around my shoulder. Jin pull me towards him as he hugs me. I didn't move I just allowed him to do what he wants.

"Mianhe Sammie~ah we were not thinking earlier we realized it too late. I know that you will never do that. I am so sorry if we have hurt you. I should have not talk to you in a harsh way and let you explain. I was just worried about the baby in her tummy that's it. I never doubted you so please don't be mad at us!" Jin said and I know that he is sincere with all the words he said.

I didn't say a word. I didn't move I feel so tired and then the whole world blacks out...


BTS 8TH MEMBER Promise  (BOOK2) ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now