Chapter 21- Reunited

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Finally, it was time to return to Hogwarts. Finally time to return to Harry. Draco had been awaiting this day all summer, even more so when Harry sent him an owl for the first time. He had been reading the prophet over the summer too, making sure no one brought up the theory about Cedric's death. It had however, been brought up that Cedric was murdered, apparently by the Dark Lord. And that, Harry was not lying about, for the Dark Lord was back, according to his parents, whom were deatheaters. Draco prayed to Merlin that he would not be forced into the group of notorious criminals, but he wasn't so sure. No matter how much he wanted to escape the truth, it was inescapable. He would have to join them at some point, which meant he needed to enjoy his time with Harry for as long as he could hold onto, for soon enough, it would come to an end. Draco also read that their was a deatheater attack in Little Whinging, on a wizard and a muggle. Draco was confused why dementors would be out there in a muggle town, or really anywhere that's not Azkaban. He didn't give it too much thought though. Harry stopped owling Draco more towards the end of summer, which Draco later found out from his father, was because Harry was on trial for using underage magic. A patronus, more specifically. Then it had clicked, Harry and his cousin were attacked by dementors. This worried Draco tremendously, for what if Harry was hurt? And trial? What if he didn't return to Hogwarts? 

Once on the train, he almost immediately spotted Pansy sitting in a compartment with Blaise. She was laughing roughly, Blaise doing the same. It was just the two of them, and Draco felt a little jealous of Blaise. Draco was supposedly Pansy's best friend; the one she would laugh with, talk with, etc. Not Blaise. He ignored it, sliding the door open and slipping in.

"Hey, D! Haven't heard from you all summer." Pansy greeted him. He just gave her a forced smile, nodding. It was a little awkward with Blaise at first, considering Draco's little outburst at the beginning of summer, but it was dismissed, and they didn't talk about it once. That's what usually happened with all of their friend group. If there was an argument, everyone just pretended like it never even happened. Eventually Crabbe and Goyle had joined them, and they were all having a conversation about their summers, when out of the corner of his eye, Draco spotted the person who he had been wishing to see for ages. Harry caught Draco's eye too, before smirking slightly and looking away to find a compartment. Draco's heart gave a little flutter, for it had been so long. He was also relieved Harry was alright and coming back to Hogwarts. He wanted to go hug him and possibly snog him, but he knew it would have to wait. 

The group of Slytherins soon exited the express, Draco noticing Harry, Granger, and Weasley slightly ahead of them. Draco sped up, along with his friends as they noticed the group too. He wanted to go greet Harry kindly, but he knew that would be an unrealistic fantasy.

"I'm surprised the ministry's letting you walk around free, Potter. Best you enjoy it. There's probably a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." he smirked as he went by the boy, getting extremely close to his face, ramming his shoulder when he walked away, snickering. 

"Stay away from him, Malfoy!" Weasley called angrily, Harry and Granger just glaring timidly. 

During the feast that evening, Harry and Draco stared at one-another practically the whole time. Draco was doing well at masking his happiness by just staring blankly, but Harry kept failing as he would smile a little, then look down to his meal. This was honestly really cute to Draco, seeing how utterly terrible the boy was at acting as though Draco was his 'enemy'. As it was nearing 9:00 PM, aka, the ending of supper, Draco decided he couldn't handle the distance any longer. He still had Harry's attention, so he pointed to the exit, which had their usual supply closet down the same corridor. He didn't even need to elaborate any further, as Harry immediately understood and started nodding furiously. Draco smiled slightly for the first time that evening, nodding back. 

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