Chapter 13- The Second Task

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Once everyone was seated, Dumbledore's voice rung from all directions, rippling the water. He explained that each champion's most loved one was at the bottom of the Black Lake, and within one hour, they were to retrieve the person. Draco knew very well he wouldn't be the one Potter loved the most, but that didn't mean he didn't want to be. All four champions stood on the dock, swallowing things to help them breath, waiting for Dumbledore's signal. Draco kept his eyes on Potter as he hesitantly swallowed the glob of green gillyweed from his palm. He soon started to choke and hack, clinging on to the metal bar beside him. All of the other champions had already dived, and Professor Moody pushed the boys back, him falling into the freezing water. He didn't resurface, seconds feeling like hours. Draco unconciously stood up, trying to reassure himself Potter wasn't drowning.

"Sit down, I can't see!" Pansy demanded, pulling Draco's arm, causing him to sit down. Suddenly, to his relief, Potter jumped out of the water, flipping in mid air, letting Draco breath again. He dived back in, not swimming back up again. The clock ticked, and the hour went by very, very quick. Fleaur Delecor came up first, worry on her face as she dried off. She had no person with her when she did so. Next Viktor Krum surfaced, with Hermione Granger. The Mudblood sat on the edge with a towel around her, seeming to be waiting for Potter. Next, Cedric Diggory surfaced with Cho Chang. Draco's throat tightened like he was being choked out by invisible hands. Potter was still down there and the hour was almost up. He wasn't sure how long the gillyweed would work, but an hour seemed to be the maximum. The Professors all had concerned expressions on their faces, seeming to debate if they should send someone to get Potter and the remaining two people. Draco's breathing started to get heavier and quicker as the minutes ticked by, still no Potter. Suddenly, two faces emerged from the water. It was a red-headed Weasley and a small blonde girl whom resembled Delecour. The two swam to the dock, Granger helping Weasley up, and Delecour helping the little girl up. Potter was still down there. Draco felt as though he might pass out, when finally, Potter surfaced. He was helped up by his friends, immediately being given a towel. Granger hugged him, kissing his damp head. Draco didn't even feel jealous, he just wanted to be down there with them.


Harry was talking with Professor Moody and Crouch about the task. They were walking by a hoard of bushes and trees, going back up to the castle, along with many other people. Harry suddenly stopped walking when he heard a small 'psst' come from a bush beside him.

"Uh, I'll catch up with you guys..." Harry smiled weakly, Moody and Crouch nodding, continuing up to the castle. Harry quickly went around the bush to find none other than Malfoy.

"Malfoy?" Harry asked, surprised.

"I wanted to see you," he mumbled under his breath, Harry barely hearing him, "Did- did it work? The gillyweed?"

"Well, yeah, obviously." Harry chuckled softly.

"Oo, you look cold..." Malfoy noted after a few short seconds of silence. He wasn't wrong, Harry was quite cold as he was shivering uncontrollably. Malfoy then did something Harry didn't expect, at all. He slipped his winter jacket off of him, putting it around Harry's shoulders. 

"There you go." he smiled a little. Harry stared blankly at the warm jacket around him then back up at Malfoy, then to the jacket again. It was soft and, better yet, it smelt like Malfoy.

"B-but, what about you?" Harry stuttered, meeting the taller boys grey eyes. 

"It's fine," Malfoy shrugged, "But you have  to give it back on our date. That's my best jacket."

"Ugh, fine." Harry rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Speaking of which, how about Wednesday during supper you meet me at our spot. Yeah?"

"Yeah." Harry smiled, showing his teeth. He swore he saw a faint blush rise on Malfoy's cheeks as he did so. 

"Yeah." Malfoy repeated back, smiling too. It was a genuine smile, which Harry had never seen Malfoy wear before. He liked it, a lot. Malfoy looked happy. Not like his little mischievous smirks or grins, a real  actual smile. The familiar feeling of butterflies that Cho used to give him came back and the two just crouched down behind the small bush, staring and smiling. Harry wanted to do that forever, but alas, all good things must come to an end. He got up, brushing himself off, and casually walking back up to the castle, people still climbing out of boats from the deep icy water.

Later that evening, Harry sat in the Great Hall, accompanied by Ron, Hermione, and to Harry's surprise, Ginny. The three were chatting away about a topic Harry currently had no intrest in, for he was pre-occupied with Malfoy. The two boys were staring at each other instencely, Malfoy slowly chewing a limp green bean off of his metal fork, not breaking the eye-contact. Harry's face was starting to get hot, and he just knew  red was creeping up his neck, about to absorb his face. Malfoy definitely noticed, as a small smirk spread across his lips as he continued to eat the single green bean. However, Harry suddenly felt a delicate yet strong hand grip his wrist, causing him to quickly turn to face the source. A bushy haired Hermione glared at him seriously. 

"W-what?" Harry questioned, knowing damn well what. He was nervous she had seen him and Malfoy as her glare deepened.

"You know exactly what," she snapped, "Who are you looking at at the Slytherin table?"

Harry's throat tightened as he looked back to the table full of Slytherins. By now, Malfoy was eating his meal normally, pretending he didn't notice Harry and Hermione staring. He quickly pondered up an excuse.

"The uh, the girl I've been going out with is in Slytherin." As soon as he said that, he regretted it. Hermione stared, looking baffled. She let go of his hand, crossing her arms, telling him she wanted an explaination.

"I-it just sorta... happened..." Harry explained, "Can you please not tell Ron?" He quickly added, Hermione slowly nodding, turning away. Harry had no idea why he said that. Out of all of the possible excuses, he chose that one? Not only did this narrow down their guesses for Harry's date, but it also meant she was in their least favorite house. How could he be so stupid? 

To his relief, Harry and Hermione didn't speak about that evening for the remainder of the night. Until, Ron stopped him before closing the hangings to his bed. 

"Hey, Harry?" Ron wondered, sitting up in his scarlet filled bed.

"Yeah?" Harry replied cautiously, also sitting up.

"I noticed you got a new jacket." Ron thought out loud, his Gryffindor bravery really shining through. Harry suddenly started to sweat, icicles forming on the back of his neck. 

"Uh, what?" Harry asked obliviously, Ron not buying it.

"Well I came in here earlier to get a textbook and it was on laying on the ground, sticking out from underneath your bed, so I thought I should probably pick it up for you, but it had the oddest smell ever. It was familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it."

Harry tried to think of some sort of answer for him, but his mind was blank as parchment. Ron shrugged it off, closing the velvet hangings, Harry feeling relieved he hadn't needed to come up with another stupid thing he would regret later. 

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