Chapter 16- You and Me

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Harry continued to ignore Draco for the remaining week up until the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament. Draco felt extremely lonely without having their dates to look forward to every week. He didn't tell Pansy, because he knew there was nothing she could do. He also felt guilt, for somehow, he always managed to say or do the wrong thing, causing Harry to hate him again, and that was the worst feeling in the world. 

The sun was slowly setting over the horizon, leaving the sky shades of oranges, pinks, and even purply-blues. Everyone sat in house organized boxes, just like they had for the other two tasks. A large maze was laid out, and Draco assumed that would be the task. Soon, Dumbledore explained the Triwizard Trophy was in the maze, and the champions would have to retrieve it. However, there were obstacles along the way and that if they needed help, to send up red sparks. Draco felt as though something were to go wrong as he watched Harry enter one of the four entrances into the maze. Before he did, he quickly glanced up at Draco, and even from far away, Draco could see a scowl on his face. All of the houses chattered amongst themselves while the champions were in the maze, for they all knew it may be a while. Unlike everyone else though, Draco had his eyes on the leafy mess. He felt himself worry as he knew Harry was in there somewhere. What if one of the obstacles had gotten him? What if he needed help? 

This lasted for about 30 minutes, until Draco suddenly noticed red sparks fly from a random spot in the maze. His blood ran cold as he realized that could be Harry. 

"P-Pansy-" he gasped, grabbing her arm, his eyes glued on the spot where the sparks had just come from.


"Red- sp- the-the sparks- red sparks-"

"What?" she repeated, a little firmer this time.

"Red sparks just flew up- Harry- what if he's in trouble?" he now looked at her, fear spreading in his eyes like a wildfire. 

"Hey, hey," she reassured, "He's gonna be okay, all right? Look, they've got it under control." Draco looked down to see three of the emergency wizards enter the maze with their wands out. This made Draco a little relieved, but that didn't change the fact that Harry was in there, and possibly hurt. Draco's worry got worse and worse as the minutes flew by, and he swore each minute was longer than the last. Viktor Krum and Fleaur Delecour ended up being found by the emergency wizards, Krum apparently being under some kind of trance. That meant Harry was still in there, along with Diggory. He prayed to Merlin that he would just come out, confirming he was okay. Suddenly however, he did just that. 

Harry appeared in the open area that the champions stood in before the task begun. Diggory was laid down, Harry clutching onto his body. Everyone cheered, including Draco, feeling a flood of relief wash over him, until Dumbledore bent down next to Harry.

"Cedric-" Harry cried, the cheers and euphoria dying down, "He asked me to bring his body back." 

Bring his body back? 

"I couldn't leave him- not there."

It suddenly made sense what Harry was going on about. Cedric's body laid limp on the ground, not moving at all. His eyes were wide open, searching for the light at the end of the tunnel. Dumbledore said something to Harry, which Draco couldn't understand, but he didn't care. He wanted to hurry down there and hug Harry, no matter how mad Harry was at him. 

"He's back!" Harry wept rather loudly, "Voldemorts back!" The whole stadium gasped, not only at the fact he had used the Dark Lord's name, but also at the fact he claimed he had returned. Draco didn't know anything about him being back from his parents, but that didn't mean he was going to dismiss Harry.

Almost as soon as Harry came back, everyone was instructed to go back to their common rooms with their house Perfects. Draco snuck away from the other Slytherins when nobody noticed. He assumed Harry would be in Dumbledore's office, so he sat outside of it, waiting for Harry. He didn't care how long it would take, for he wanted, no, needed  to see him. After about an hour of sitting on the dirty dingy floor, he heard the stone gargoyle let out a low grumble as a staircase was revealed. Harry slowly went down the steps, Draco immediately jumping up and as soon as he stepped off the last step. Draco plunged at him, hugging him tightly, the Gryffindor letting out a small gasp, then relaxed under Draco's touch.


Harry then wrapped his own arms around Draco, all of his anger towards him vanishing. He buried his face in the blonde's chest, and before he knew it, tears started streaming from his eyes, which was an odd feeling, as Harry never cried. Ever. But around Draco, he felt like it was okay, and that he could. He clung tightly along with Draco, neither of their grips faltering.

"I thought you were gone." Draco whispered, Harry's soft weeps being muffled by Draco's warm chest.

"He's gone. It's my fault. Draco, it's all my fault." Harry cried quietly, Draco holding him tighter.

"No, it's not. I promise it's not."

"Voldemort- he-he killed him. A-and I let him." 

"Shh," said Draco calmly, rubbing circles on his back bones. 

"He's really back?" Draco asked a while later as the two boys sat in the supply closet by the Great Hall. 

"Mhm." Harry croaked, his throat sore from crying and screaming so much, "I know nobody will believe me."

"I believe you." Draco looked to his lap, Harry gazing across the small closet at him. His hair was messed up, and Harry's tears and snot stained his white button up shirt. He was happy to have someone there, someone who would understand. He wasn't even mad at him anymore either. All of that felt like it was ages ago. All that mattered now was them. Just them.

"I'm just glad you're okay." Draco mumbled, looking back up at Harry. 

"I feel so bad for Cedric's dad. Cho. All of his friends. He was a good person. A good guy. He didn't deserve to die." Harry pondered.

"Sometimes that's the way the world is. The good people die instead of the bad." 

"...I'm sorry I got your shirt messy." Harry apologized, looking into his eyes.

"Don't apologize. It's okay." Draco reassured. Harry then did something that neither of them had expected. He crawled the short distance over to Draco and he laid his head on the boy's sharp shoulder, his arms hanging around Draco's. Draco didn't object, instead his just let out a deep breath, and just like that, the two of them sat in that supply closet for a long time. Not even talking, just feeling each others warmth.

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