Chapter 15- Broken Boundaries

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After their date, Draco and Harry decided that they wanted to meet up every week at their spot. They agreed on Friday nights, so that's what they did. Harry found it challenging to explain to Ron and Hermione about his whereabouts during supper on Friday's. Every week he'd always procrastinate an explanation, so they were always short, dull answers. He usually just said he was going out with the mystery girl, but not every time, for then he knew they would want him to tell them who it was. Hermione only knew she was in Slytherin, but Ron knew absolutely nothing (at least Harry hoped he knew nothing). They were skeptical, but understanding. Harry was contemplating whether he should officially label Draco as his boyfriend or not. Every date they had, he told himself he would ask him, but instead he always ended up not doing so, as he was nervous Draco would decline. Harry and Draco also decided they needed to keep up appearances, for recently, they had been seriously lacking in seeming like enemies. They didn't curse at each other as much, shove each other in the halls, etc. So, naturally, they started it back up again. Every time Draco threw and insult at Harry, he'd try to not take it extremely personal, for he knew there most likely wasn't truth behind it, for they were never in a bad spot in their 'relationship'. Draco would always respect Harry's boundaries, except for one afternoon on his way to Charms. 

On their most recent date, three days ago, Harry had opened up to Draco about the Dursleys, which he had never done to anyone, even Ron and Hermione.

The two boys sat on their backs under the stars, Draco fiddling with Harry's fingers. Of course Harry didn't complain as he found it actually found it quite adorable when he had to touch every inch of skin of his hand. The two boys had been talking about Draco's family life after Harry asked him about the pictures he had seen on Draco's dresser when they switched bodies.

"I didn't exactly have a bad childhood," Draco explained, "I was spoiled as hell. I mean, Merlin, we were- are, rich. I could have anything I wanted. But that's the thing. Money doesn't buy you happiness. I guess my parents just always lacked in emotionally supporting me. My mother tried, my father not so much. They still don't, really."

"I'm sorry," frowned Harry, "I had no idea."

"Eh," Draco shrugged, "What about you? Didn't you live with muggles?"

"Yeah, the Dursleys. I hate it there. It's terrible." 

"Terrible?" Draco met his eyes, Harry's averting towards the green blades of grass that danced with the wind.

"It is. They hate magic."

"Hate magic!? How could anyone possibly hate magic?" expressed Draco, letting go of Harry's hand, sounding offended.

"I don't know, I think my Aunt Petunia was just jealous of my mother or something." Harry answered, Draco playing with his fingers again, "That's not even all though. I lived in a cupboard under the stairs. Dudley, my cousin, would always stomp on them in the morning. I didn't get to ever eat much, cause' I only got the scraps. I never had clothes that fit me, either. They were all Dudley's hand-me-downs. I cooked and cleaned, like a maid."

"Woah, I always thought you had a grand childhood."

"No. That's why I didn't shake your hand in first year. You just reminded me so much of Dudley, getting whatever you wanted, being stuck up, y'know. I don't think that anymore though..." Harry smiled down at Draco slightly.

"Well I'm glad." Draco leaned on his arm, like Harry, intertwining their fingers together.

"Hey, Potter!" Draco called as he came from the direction Harry was going, his gang of friends accompanying him.

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