Chapter 32 - Wedding

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"So you agree on July 17th 1992?" I asked Saul. We decided to have a wedding afterall, a small one though. Only his family, the rest of Guns + Izzy(who left Guns) and Stven (Who they kicked out) , Motley, Marissa, Haley, and my aunt.

"Yeah. What about the rest of your family?"

"Oh uhm....guess I havn't told you about them, huh?"


"Well parents disowned me, my brothers and sister hate me, my grandparents are dead, and I only have my aunt left."

His expression softened, "why?"

"Uh well, my parents didn't agree with my life choices. I haven't told this to anyone other than my aunt but I kinda have to tell you now, cause I want no secrets between us. Uh- so Ive been drinking since I was 12 and I kinda got addicted, and well when my parents found out they got hella pissed and asked why I did it and as an excuse I said it was to feel 'more grown up' but when in reality it was because I hated my life, which is a whole nother story. And then they cut off the very little allowance they gave me and told me if I wanted to feel more like an adult I would have to get a job and pay rent and if I didn't stop drinking and didn't pay the rent on time they would disown me. And me being me didnt do any of those things. There werent any jobs for 13 year old girls so I went with stripping for boys, and girls, at my school. Then after a while of that I found out that guitar made me feel way better than drinking so I joined a "band" and that's when shit started happening. They finally disowned me and my aunt took me in. But look at me now the girl who turned out to be a disappointment is now marrying the hottest and sweetest and most loving and best guitarist in the world." I said pulling him into a hug.

"Babe...I -I'm so sorry" he whispered returning the hug.


*Wedding day*

I'm standing here holding the hands of the man I will spend the rest of my love with "(part of whatever people say at weddings...i rly don't feel like searching them up)" I'm staring into the eyes of the man I fell in love with, the man who has helped me so much. The father of my child, my bestfriend and lover. "y/n y/l/n do you take Saul Hudson to be your lawfully wedded husband"

"I-" I don't even get to finish the sentence when someone barges onto the church dressed in all black and holding a gun. They walked up to where we were standing, pointed the gun to my head, and took of her? his? Mask. It was Marissa

"Marissa?" I whispered shakily

"I hate you" she says showing no emotion. No tears, no anger, nothing. Slash grabs the closet thing possible and hits her right as she pulls the trigger....

"I do"

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