chaoter 17 - Im sorry

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I finished talking with Marissa and Izzy and decided to go look for Saul.

"Im gonna take your car Ax!"

"K be fucking careful!"

I got the keys and left. I looked around for an hour and a half maybe, and I couldnt find him anywhere, then I remembered I didnt look at the bar where we went for my birthday. When I got there I saw his car. I parked and walked inside. I got a couple of weird looks cause I was a pregnant girl in a bar. After a little while I found him. He was sitting at the same spot we where on my bday and he was crying and looking at a picture of me, but no drink. It broke my heart seeing him like this and I started crying and I felt really bad. I walked up to him and hugged him and cried.

"Im sorry baby." he said

"Im sorry too. I went way too far and I didnt listen to what you had to say. Im so sorry."

"I was drunk and didnt know what I was doing. But i promise you we didnt doanything more than kiss. I know I did wrong and Im not trying to make it right but I just want you to forgive me."

"I cant do that now but I promise one day, soon I will. And itl be like nothing happened. And maybe I'll ask for the ring back." I said and kissed his forehead. "Now lets go back home." i said and grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the bar.

He got into his car and me in Axl's and we drove back home.When we got there he went straight to our room and I went to Izzy's where he was lying on his bed.

"what happened?" he asked

"I found him at the bar cryin and looking at a picture of me I talked to him and let him explain and I told him that I'll forgive him one day." I responded with tears in my eyes. "And that one day i"ll ask for the ring back."

"was he drinking?" 

"No" I said and got up and went to our room to get my snake. When I went inside I saw Saul sitting on the floor and his face burried in his knees. I grabbed the snake and sat infront of him.


He looked up at me and wiped away his tears.

"I-im s-s-so sor-ry y/n."

136 views already woww haha thx I guess um byeee <33

edit: its like 2k now but tyy

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