Chapter 28 - Happy Birthday Pt.1

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Slash's POV

ring rinG riNG rING RING!

I turned to see the clock from my side of the bed, 3:47. Who the fuck would be calling at this time?

"Babe the phone" I groaned

"Answer it"

"No-wait it stopped"

Right as I was going to close my eyes Izzy walks through the door with the phone in hand.

"y/n, the phone. Haley wants to talk to you." he said groggily.

"What could be so important at this time?" she sighed.

"dunno" izzy shrugged and passed her the phone which she grabbed and left the room. 

Izzy went back to sleep and I was left alone. My eyes started wandering around the room until they landed on the calendar which read (your birthday), which meant y/n birthday. I want to do something amazing for her but I don't know what. She loves Motley but their tickets are sold out, but  maybe I'll talk to Nikki. Tomorrow would also be a year of us knowing each other, althoughit feels as if I've known her forever. We've been through so much, London, breaking up, getting back together, the 'whole who's baby is it?' fiasco. Since tomorrow is so important I want to make it the best day of her fucking life.

y/n POV

I yanked the phone from Izzy's hand annoyed and walked down the stairs then made my way towards the couch. 



"Yea. What could possibly be so important that you had to call me at 4 in the fucking morning interrupting my precious sleep?"

"Sorry. I- I cant sleep" 

"Thats what you called me for?"

"Yes. No. I mean well I have a question. Does Steven have a girlfriend?"

"No. And thats what you called for?!"

"I had to know!"

"Ugh whatever. Good night bye." I hung up the phone and went to the kitchen for a glass of water. Someone came up behind me and hugged me and out of instinct I splashed the water in their face and elbowed them, only to find it was Slash.

"Oh shit sorry miamor. You fucking scared me!"


"Whats up "


"My love. What is it?"

"Happy birthday."


"Happy birthday?"

"oh my god today's my birthday!" I had completely forgotten I even had one. So much has go on that I lost track of days. "Thank you"

"uh - huh" he said, grabbed me by the arm and pulled me upstairs. "Have you been to a Motley Concert?" he asked one we were on the bed.

"No. Why?"

"You'll see"

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ugh sorry this sucks...I have no excuses  it just sucks but I'll edit it later. Ima be late for school :)

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