Chapter 15 - back on tour

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We spent the rest of the 2 week break chilling and planning things for the baby and our wedding. I cried all day the day he left but he's coming back in two weeks and he won't be going back on tour for a while. 

I woke up and did my usual routine but today I decided to read the newspaper, which I really wish I hadn't. I sat on the couch and started reading, around the third page there was a headline that broke my heart .... 'Slash caught cheating on pregnant girlfriend' I cried for about hour then finally got the courage to call him. I called and it rang a couple times then someone answered.



"y/n? What happened are you ok?"

"No. I-is Saul with you?"

"Oh shit did you read the news paper?"

"Yes. Now le-let me t-talk to him!"

"Hey baby"

"Don't fucking baby Saul. Is it true? Did you really cheat?"

"I-im sorry baby."

"Sorry doesn't cut it Saul. You can have the fucking ring back and this baby is no longer fucking yours!"


 Bye!"  I cut him off andI hung up the phone and started crying uncomfortably. A few minutes later the phone rang.

"Hello?" The person said once I picked up the phone. It was Izzy.


"Yea. I heard what happened. Ax told call you to ask you how if you were ok."

Izzy was always there for me, when  I had problems with Saul he was there, when I was emotional he was there. He was always nice to me and he always helped me. He loved me more than Saul did. And I loved him too. But I still loved Saul...

"No. No I'm not ok Iz. He cheated on me. We were supposed to get married and I'm pregnant with his fucking child. So no I'm not ok. I don't know what to do Izzy." I said and started sobbing.

"No no no don't cry. We'll figure something out. Ok? Remember you're my best friend and I love you."

"Thanks Iz. I love you too."

I heard someone yelling in the back " who the fuck are you talking to Izzy? Is that Alice? Give me the fucking phone. Hello?"

"What do you want Saul?"

"He loves you?" 

"Yes he's loved me more that you have. He's been there for me when you weren't. And I love him too." I hung up and went back to sobbing. I couldn't think of a reason for him to do what he did.

But I still loved him...

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