Chapter 11 • Her return

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Jessica's POV

"How did this happen?" I screamed at her. "She didn't even do anything bad! So why do I have to ignore her, She's my best friend!". " 'Cuz, you're the one who ignored her and started all that beef, plus no one told her to be so...stupid" La'Rosé said while popping her bubble gum in my face. "And maybe if you weren't so petty she wouldn't be in this situation, just sayin', okay see ya I have topics to be discussed". My face twitched in irritation. She is extremely disrespectful and I have no idea how and why Xavie puts up with this. I guess I'm not as sweet as she is because I would've chick-slapped her already. However, I kept my cool and shot her a heavy death glare. Then watched as she slithered past me into the canteen with the other fibbers she called 'friends'. Little did she know, whenever she left, she was the next topic being discussed.

I waited for everyone else from our class and apparently most knew what was up too. Some occasionally sent me a sympathetic glance and continued their chats until a random second form girl came to give us a...heads up..? "She's here everyone!" she whispered/yelled, loudly enough for us to hear but in a hushed voice to be discreet. I looked at everyone else and some began to form groups, invite me to their group for 'protection', some plugged in their earphones, and others even left the area. I got irritated again. Who is she talking about? Who's here?

Xavie finally came, I could see her coming our way and I was so excited. My face lit up and I expected to see her usual seemingly depressed face, but it was more confused and anxious. When she finally approached us I was somewhat surprised. Her head was still in the process of healing, she actually got taller and her hair, even curlier. She mumbled a shy "Morning..." and everyone basically ignored her...and so did I unintentionally. Soon, her sheepish expression contorted into agitation when she realized the situation. "What?!" she snapped but before I could respond La' Rosé glided out of the canteen and swooped her towards the patio rail. As she passed she quickly glanced at me up and down while her friends waddled right behind her, waiting for La' Rosé to give them the quickest updates, so they could exaggerate the story and spread it like butter. I watched them talk for a bit and with every sentence that toppled out of La' Rosé 's mouth just made Xavie even more anxious.

When they were done talking, She stepped aside and I could see her drown in her ocean of thoughts while La'Rosé did what she does best, gossip. Xavie rose her head and a look of reminiscence plastered across her face and she quickly ran off somewhere. But the bell rang, and whatever plan she had was foiled. And she, as well as everyone else reluctantly shuffled to the assembly area.


It was lunch and my best friend who always chatted with me and annoyed me was nowhere to be found. I though she probably needed some space and being the energetic child I was, I started taking a self tour around the school until I got around the canteen area. On the side of the stage sat a slim sixth-form girl browsing through her phone and I identified her as Hazel, 'Apples' girlfriend. I realiszd that she more than likely knew about the whole apple thing and was probably confused. And it wasn't like Xavie was gonna confront anyone, anytime soon so I'll give her a little help. I walked up to her, greeted her and then proceeded to converse.

oh hii hope you liked this chapter Feedback is always appreciated see ya next time

k byeee~

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