Chapter 5

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[Core!Frisk walked into Cakeclan to drop off some herbs to help out the new cat in training since the events of what happened last night. They had special protection however from Dream that they couldn't get harmed in anyway since they were allies.]

Core- *walks toward Snowflake* Hey Snow! I brought over some herbs just in case you needed some before leaf-fall...*drops it off* Besides, we had extra so Dream thought it would be great if you got some as well.

Snowflake- Oh, that's great! *grabs the leaf packets and starts sorting out the herbs*

Core- Do you mind if I chill here for a bit?

Snowflake- Not at all!

[Core sits nearby in a corner, out of the way from Snowflake. They watch as she puts up the herbs. Snowflake soon finishes and sits in her nest]

Snowflake- So, how is everything in Spaceclan? I haven't heard much about it.

Core- Oh! Things are going smoothly since we are all ready for the upcoming season. How about you?

Snowflake- Good so far, nothing to report though, prey is getting more hard to find around these parts of the forest since it is getting colder the more the days pass by.

-Somewhere else-

Old person- Don't worry my little berry, I'm just going to the store and I'll be right back~ *she grabs her keys and walks out the house*

Blueberry- *licks his fur clean* Great... *sneaks out the back and runs toward Voidclan* (Ink will be so happy to see me! I just know it!)


Ink- *hunts with Error to get her mind off of things*

Blueberry- Ink? *goes toward her* Hey Ink!

Ink- Blueberry! Long time no see!

[They both nuzzle each other. Error looks somewhere else for a second then looks at Blue]

Error- Wait, where were you for the past year?

Blueberry- Well, I wasn't here to begin with. But, I was just wondering..could I join the clan?

Ink- Of course! I trust you and you're my best friend!

Error- *sniffs him to make sure he's telling the truth* ...

[Both friends walk off as Error stays behind. He knows something that Ink doesn't know]

Error- (I'll tell her later..)

[CC is still recovering due to what happened last night, Ink shows Blue where his nest is since he's staying there, Error heads to his den but while walking over there, he asks Fresh to come over.]

Fresh- So, what's on your mind? Its rare for you to call me over to talk to..

Error- Blueberry is a pet to a human. Its hard to trust pets you know since they grew up with owners.

Fresh- So wait, how come Ink knows him so well? Maybe he just smells like he's gone through that neighborhood once or twice.

Error- I was going to ask her tonight but, could you keep a eye on them? I don't want anything to happen to her that'll risk the future of our kits.

Fresh- You're having kits with Inky?

Error- Well, we are planning to. But we were going to try to have them in the spring since there's barely enough prey around.

Fresh- Thought of any names?

Error- No. *heads to get some more moss for their nest* Ink came up with 2 names though.

Fresh- What are the names?

Error- She wouldn't tell me and said it'll be a surprise.

Fresh- Well, congrats ahead of time! *he smiles*

Error- I guess so..but trust me, I know I won't like one of them.


Ink- Well, that's everything! Dream is in Spaceclan leading but, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt visiting her once in a while. Besides, does she know you're back yet?

Blueberry- I don't think so. *his ears perk up* I can visit her today right?

Ink- I don't see why not! *smiles*

[Blueberry heads off to Spaceclan to go say hi to Dream]

Error- *walks up to Ink* So Ink, did you smell anything weird on Blueberry when he came over?

Ink- No, I don't think so..? Why do you ask?

Error- I'll tell you later.

Ink- Why not now? We are alone right now.

Error- Did you already take your vials today?

Ink- Yes, you saw me take them today. *her ears flatten*

Error- How come I can't tell you later?

Ink- Cause you brought it up did you not?

Error- :/

Ink- . . . What were we talking about?

Error- Nothing.

[They both go their separate ways]


Dream- *rests with Gaster in the leader den*

Blueberry- Dream! *smiles*

Dream- Hi Blue! It's been a year has it not?

Blueberry- *nods as he gave a nuzzle* Sorry I was gone...

Dream- Oh, its fine! No need to say your sorry! Its good to see you back.

Blueberry- *walks to head back* (Good thing Error is with Ink...though, I thought he would be a lone cat though...despite his non-touch thing he has..)

[Blueberry walks back to Voidclan and while on the way there, he sees a light blue and snowflake patterned cat hunting]

Snowflake- *pounces on top of a mouse, killing it* :)

Blueberry- Hello! *walks near her* I'm Blueberry! What's your name?

Snowflake- I'm Snowflake. Nice to meet you. *she started to eat since she hasn't eaten since this afternoon*

Blueberry- So, what clan are you in?

Snowflake- I'm in Cakeclan. It's next door to Voidclan and Spaceclan. *She finishes and cleans her face*

[Blueberry helps her out by licking behind her ears. Snowflake blushes.]

Snowflake- W-well, I better head back now! Bye! *she runs back*

Blueberry- *tilts his head while blushing a little* ..?

Carrot- *comes up behind him after a little time passes*, seems like you've forgotten about me at the house huh.

Blueberry- *shocked and turns to face him* I didn't mean to!

[They both walk back to the clan]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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