Chapter 2

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 [Clan meeting]

Ink- I want to thank everyone to coming to this clan meeting in The Clearing. For this first meeting, Cupcake, leader of Cakeclan, would like to say something to someone in her clan *steps down from the stump she was on*

Cupcake- *steps up* Thanks. Snow, will you please come forward?

Snow- (m-me..?) *while super nervous, walks forward* Y-yes?

Cupcake- Cats of Cloudclan, look down upon this cat and send judgement for her path.

[Everyone puts their head down around Snow] 

Snow- (I hope its something good...) *puts her head down as well*

[After a few moments, everyone raises their head]

Cupcake- Cloudclan has spoken. Snow will stay a medicine cat and she will now have a new name. She will be named Snowflake. May she see what Cloudclan has in store for her.

Snowflake- Thank you. *walks back to where she was sitting*

Cupcake- Dream, leader of Spaceclan, it's your turn to share. *hops off*

Dream- Thanks. Now, Outer and Core!Frisk saw some cats of another clan stealing prey from the lake that is nearby. I need to find out as why they did this.

Nightmare-  Well if you really need to know Dream, my clan was growing hungry due to the lack of prey in our territory and were trying to get something to eat.

Outer- But, how come they didn't come over to the border and ask us for some fish? We would've given some away!

Fell- Cause, we aren't weak like you. We can take care of our own self. 

Apple- . . . (whoa...)

Outer- Fine, we didn't want to share with you anyways! We're strong too you know. 

Reaper- *whispers to Geno* Doubt that.

Geno- *giggles a little*

Dream- Well, I'm glad to now know the reason behind the situation. Thank you for telling me. *hops down*

Ink- Anymore announcements for today? 


Ink- Great! Let's all head back then! *smiles*

[minutes later; Voidclan]

Snowflake- So, what's the beef between Dream and Nightmare?

Apple- Well at one point, they were nestmates but, their mom put them in separate clans to be the best for both of them. Its what I've heard at least.

Snowflake- topic, I saw you staring at Fell for a long period of time the other day~ Do you like him or something..?

Apple- (o//o) Um...n-no...why do you ask?

Snowflake- No reason....  :/ 

*they both walk to their dens*



Outer- *walks back to The Clearing*

Core!Frisk- Um..I don't think we're supposed to be here at night...

Outer- Who's stopping us? Besides, this is the best place to look at the stars!

Core!Frisk- *looking annoyed* Yeah right...

Outer- *sits on a large rock that's nearby* Just come sit and look up.

Core!Frisk- Fine...*goes and sits next to him and looks up* Oh wow-

Outer- Told you. *smiles*

Core!Frisk- Anyway, I know you. Why did you bring me out here?

Outer- Well, I wanted to ask you something...if I said I liked-liked you, what would you think?

Core!Frisk- *looks down; thinking* Hmm...I don't know honestly...*lays down and looks at him* Do you?

Outer- Uhhhh...maybe?

Core!Frisk- Well, I'll think on a answer then. *gets up then starts walking back to the clan* I'll tell you when I come up with one~

Outer- . . . (cool...)



Cookie- I'm back from my shift around the forest Cupcake.

Cupcake- Great! Any foxes or wild dogs around?

Cookie- Well, there was fox scent around but its very, 3 days ago old.

Cupcake- Well, that's good. You can send a group out there to hunt then.


Cross!Chara- *walks up to the leader den* Um, Ink..? May I ask you something?

Ink- Sure! *smiles softly* What's up?

Cross!Chara- Well, do you like anyone yet?

Ink- Well, I am the only female in this clan at the moment but yes, I do like someone in the clan.

Cross!Chara- *getting hopeful* Great! So, who is it..?

Error- *walks in* Hi squid~ Are you busy today?

Ink- Not that much Error why? *walks with him*

Cross!Chara- . . .

Fresh- *walks next to them* Aw, its okay Chara! You'll find another cat that'll come through here! Trust me.

Cross!Chara- I guess so....


Fell- Hey Horror, who were you looking at over there in Voidclan?

Horror- Oh, just CC...and, I think I'm getting feels..

Fell-*annoyed a little* Why for them?

Horror- Oh come on, its not like we have any females here besides Geno. But she's already taken. *walks away*

Fell- ...

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