Chapter 3

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Dream- *walks around the clan, thinking to herself*

Gaster- Hey Dream! I just came back from my rounds around the forest and there's no updates so far.

Dream- That's good to hear! Thanks for the report! *smiles*

*Gaster walks over to the prey pile to eat*

Outer- Um Dream..? Can I ask you something?

Dream- Sure! What's going on?

Outer- So, I kinda told Core how I felt about her last night...but I don't know if she likes me the same way..

Dream- How did she react? *sits in front of him*

Outer- She said she'll tell me later..

Dream- Well, that's not a rejection right? I didn't hear a no in that sentence...

Outer- I guess not...

*Core!Frisk comes over*

Core- Hey Outer! Wanna join me for hunting rounds? I was about to start when I saw you around and about. *blushes a little*

Outer- S-sure! That'll be great! *smiles*

*they both walk away; talking together*

Dream- *sighs* :)


Core- Come on slowpoke! *laughs a little*

Outer- Well, it's not my fault that you're faster than me! Though, I could teleport in front of you~

Core- But, *slows down* that'll be cheating...*slows down as she gets lost in her thoughts*

Outer- *arrives at the lake first* I win~

Core- *head empty moment* (o-o) That was fast- *shakes it off and goes up to him* Anyways, there's something I wanted to tell you...

Outer- What is it?

Core- I...I like you back as, more than friends...*smiles softly*

Outer- *smiles back*

[Shadowclan/Voidclan border]

CC- *patrols their half of the border*

Horror- ..! *sees CC* (Okay...just go up and tell her...) *walks to them; respecting the border* Um...hi CC!

CC- Hey...why are you at the border? Didn't you patrol last week?

Horror- Yeah but, I wanted to tell you something...

CC- *tilts their head* What is it?

Horror-*feels a feeling of being watched* Um...never mind...I'll tell you later...*goes away*

CC- Okay..?


 Fell- You're never up this come you were at the border today?

Horror- Why do you need to know?

Fell- Well, everyone was at the prey pile and i didn't see you there..

Horror- I wasn't hungry this morning okay? *walks away* (What's up with him today..?)


Cupcake- *walks over to the Med. den* So Snowflake, are you stocked on supplies for this summer?

Snowflake- *nods* Yep! Why do you ask?

Cupcake- Well, something is going on with my throat due to the pollen in the air and I was hoping if you had any mint that I could have. You know, in case of another flare up.

Snowflake- Oh! Of course! *goes and puts mint into a leaf bundle* Here! Remember to drink water while eating it okay? *she then hands over another bundle with a little bit of honey in it* If there's any itchiness afterwards, eat this honey.

Cupcake- Thanks! *picks up both then heads back to her den*

Apple- *walks over* You seem really calm during all of this...

Snowflake- *lays in her nest* What's that supposed to mean?

Apple- Oh nothing...just bored..

Snowflake- Well, I'm going to take a nap then.. *yawns*

Apple- Alright..*goes to hunt*

[minutes pass and Apple catches a rabbit and 3 mice]   

Fell- *snuck into a log that was across the border* Hey Apple~ 

Apple- *jumps; surprised* Hey Fell...

Fell- Care to share?

Apple- *looks at him while he's in the log still* . . .no.

Fell- No? I'm not even in your territory!

Apple- ...So? It's our prey.

Fell- *sighs* Fine... *heads back*


CC- *walks over to Ink*

Ink- Oh Cross!Chara, you needed to talk to me about something?

CC- Well, Horror from Shadowclan talked to me on the border but, he didn't cross it or anything..but..he said he liked me...

Ink- And? 

CC- It felt weird afterwards...

Ink- Well, maybe its destiny! I mean, look at me and Error!

CC- You're with Error? I thought you two were bad for each other?

Ink- Well, we had a truce formed between us! *smiles* We'll have kits soon!

CC- That's great...*looks away for a few moments* ...

Cross- Hey Chara! Could you come over here for a sec?

CC- *runs over* Yeah?

Cross- There's two cats over there below us...they're near the border but not crossing it..

CC- Want me to find out?

Cross- *smiles* Sure! Besides, you can take care of yourself right?

CC- Of course. *heads down* I'll stay off wind though to be safe.

[down there...]

Horror- Look, its not my fault that I like someone off of another clan alright?

Fell- So, you're risking your respect in this clan due to another cat?

Horror- Yea!

CC- *rustles in some nearby bushes* . . .

Fell- *his ears perk up* ...? (They're here...)

CC- ....(he heard me..crap...)

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