Chapter 4

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Fell- *walks toward the bush that CC is in*

CC- *walks out* Hello Fell. Why are you in our borders?

Fell- We aren't in your clans' border. But, I believe you heard us talking? *circles around them*

CC- If you're trying to scare me, it's not going to work. You're lucky no one came with me.

Fell- *stops and shows his claws* Let's get this over with then. *jumps at them*

CC- *dodges and scratches his pelt, drawing blood*

Fell- Its going to take more than that to hurt me~ *scratches their face, drawing blood*

CC-*yells in pain*

Fell- You're weak without your brother.

[CC stays down]

Fell- Aww, what's wrong? Not so brave anymore huh? *picks them up by the neck and throes them against a large rock*

[CC's soul cracks a little; Cross feels this and runs back to where they parted ways. He soon gets to CC's side after a few moments. He also brought Ink along to heal them up if it was really bad.]

CC- *laying under a tree* . . .

Ink- *brought over some cattail and web for her cuts* 

Cross- Here they are! 

[They both rush to their side and help them get up. CC eats the herbs and slowly gets up]

Ink- When you get back, you head straight to the MD okay?

CC- *nods*

Ink- *looks at Cross* Make sure they get back safe, I need to have a word with someone... 

Cross- *his ears go down in defense* With who? Shadowclans' leader?

Ink- Yes. It won't take that long. *turns around* I'll be back soon. *runs off into their territory*


Nightmare- *in the leader den, eating a mouse*

Ink- Nightmare! *walks in* I need to talk to you.

Nightmare- About what..? What did we do this time to make you mad?

Ink- Does fighting in another territory ring any bells?

Nightmare-, not to me. But I assure you that none of my cats have gone into your territory.

Ink- Then why was one of my best defenders injured to the point where they almost died?

Nightmare- Maybe a fox did it. You have no proof that we did that.

Ink- If a fox did it, they would've been dead. You know that.

Nightmare- Maybe it showed mercy. Maybe they fought a good fight.

Ink- *fur bristling up but sighs* I know it was one of your cats. *turns around and leaves* (I just know it was.)

[That night]

Ink- *in her nest, still a mad fluffball* D:<

Error- *walks in* Hey squid. Mad still?

Ink- *scoffs* Maybe.

Error- Oh come on, its not the first time you lost an argument. Remember when we had one?

Ink- It's not like the box vs. no box though! That was different!

Error- *sits next to the fluffball* Oh really~

Ink- Yes! You wouldn't let me make you a nest because you liked the box you found months ago!

Error- But, the box is still there. I just like this nest because you are in it. *cleans behind her ears*

Ink- *yawns and faces him* ...That doesn't mean anything.

Error- Yes it does and you know it. Now get some rest, okay?

Ink- ...Alright..

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