When The Red Head turns his head to look at the clock, his eyes widen. '1 in the frickin' morning?! The-' he tought to himself, but getting cut off by the Shorter Males yawn. Eijiro turns his head in the direction of the other boy looking in an 'awe' because of how cute The Boys face was.

When Katsuki looks at The Taller Boy in front of him he looks confused, of why he is looking at him with such a expression. When he didn't get any answer from The Red Eyed Male he gave up and laid down.

The Blond Boy feeling comfortable enough with the other boy, that he finally said something without stuttering "I think it's time to sleep.." Depending on how his insomnia and nightmares kept him awake every night, he wasn't the one to say that. But there he was. Taking care of the other, so someone from the Fragiles Boy closest people will have a healthy and happy life.

The Other Boy just nodded and said his goodnight, as if Bakugou was actually going to sleep.. But no. The small boy just after his so called 'friend' turned around and fell into a deep slumber stared at the ceiling feeling some small tears fall down the sides of his face.

He wasn't sobbing. He wasn't actually making any sound. It was just tears streaming down his face. Nothing else. Not even heavy breathing. Just.. Crying...

After, he tought a few minutes, but actually a whole hour the tears had stopped. He wiped his cheeks with his long sleeves that cover the unseen, just now he felt how his pillow underneath his filled with so many bad toughts head was now wet.

He lifted his head and looked around. As he saw his 'friend's' chest calmly coming up and then falling down soothed him a little. He knew that someone is alright here. He didn't have to be the one. Just.. Someone... It's completely enough. Just enough...

After a while of gazing at his friend that was lit up by the moon light he got up and reached for his phone. Even if he always had the phone muted for no one to hear the angry sound of the messages from his furious father and his drunk mother, he always checked it. Twice. More than twice. Way more than twice. He had to be sure.

He just opened his Social Media and started scrolling. Then scrolling and scrolling, it felt like there wasn't an ending in the monotone scrolling through the photos and posts of people, that he doesn't even know. Hell, he probably never seen them, except on the photos that are on those full of hate apps.

But now. There was an ending. The ending was a certain Red Head, that Katsuki was now living with. Kirishima slowly woke up feeling the urge to go to the bathroom, Bakugou moved to late. The Taller Boy already realized that the other one, wasn't sleeping right now, but he never knew, that the boy wasn't sleeping at all.

In Eijiro's head were many questions, but he brushed them off, remembering that he had to go to the bathroom. After a minute or two he came out (Out the bathroom, not the closet you dumbo, he is still a hidden gay boy. Sorry, I'm gonna go..).

Kirishima went to his bed and as he was about to lay down and fall asleep he asked The Blond Boy a question "Why aren't you sleeping Bakubro..?" His voice was raspy and sleepy, depending on how he just woke up from a deep slumber.

Katsuki was a little shocked, but quickly responded "Ehh.. Couldn't sleep.." but his anxiety creeped in and he quietly started hyperventilating, scared that the other boy might be suspicious or he starts asking more questions. Or the worst, he would stop being Bakugou's friend...

But no, he just nodded and quickly fell asleep. The Fragile Boy still having a panic attack, looked in the direction of the door, panicking much more, of his fear. The fear that he got from his, not so peaceful and nice homelife. He now feared anyone who might be outside the door of a room that he is in. He always asked himself 'Will they hurt me?' 'Are they nice?' 'Who are they?' 'Is there anyone?' And such other things.

[DISCONTINUED!] I'm scared... Please, help me... [Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now