"She dropped my pie on the ground" I told him, and he looked at me with a blank 'really' face.

"A damn pie?" Asked Brock, his southern voice coming out. It was so foreign.

"It was on the corner of the counter. I turn around and hear a spelch. Turn back around and she has her hands up, eyes wide as saucers, and says 'woah that's a mess'" I tried imitating her voice and Brock gave me the same face.

"Why would she be mad at you?" Asked Brock.

"Because I won't believe her. Also, she thinks I put a scratch on her car. I was walking and one of your dogs was in the way. I didn't know that until I jumped/tripped and me trying to get my balance I must've accidentally scratched on the car" I explained, and Brock shook his head and Paul closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Stop this pointless arguing and apologize. This is stupid and pointless" said Brock and got up to wash his dish.

I rolled my eyes and went to the room I woke up in and grabbed my cellphone. I saw Sable's name. It's now or never. I hit her name and pressed her cellphone number.

"Kami...calling to apologize?" asked Sable.

"Nope, just calling to see what other pie you knocked over?" I retorted back

Sable sighed, "How about I make you another pie? It'll let you know how sorry I am"

"I will greatly appreciate that. I'm sorry for overreacting" I told her.

After telling each other's apologies and checking up on each other, we hung up. I sighed and laid down on my bed.

"Joe says your fat" Jon texted.

"Tell Joe I'm going to kick his ass sideways the next time I see him" I text back.

I didn't realize I fell asleep until I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and Brock was staring down at me. We had that moment where we were just staring at each other. Suddenly he leant down and kissed me. I kissed back and Brock was suddenly on top of me. I moaned softly when he lifted my big t-shirt up and kissed down on my stomach. I gasped out when he moved my underwear to the side, and he plunged in. I gasped out loudly and he grunted, and he was really giving it to me. I was so close and one hand he was gripping and holding it down on the pillow and my other was scratching him on the back. I was about to reach my climax-

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I gasped and noticed I was grinding on a pillow. I turned and I was in the room by myself. I sat up and felt around me and everything was normal. I got out of bed and quickly put on tights and a t-shirt. I walked out to the kitchen and everyone was gone. It must have been mid-day by now. I went to the fridge to get something to drink. I was leaning against the counter drinking my apple juice. I was questioning why I had that dream. I don't have feelings for Brock. Sure, I've had a slight crush on him, but I've had one on Joe and have never had a dirty dream about him. I jumped when I heard the door open. In walked Brock. We locked eyes and I immediately thought back to my dream.

"You okay?" Brock asked concerned.

"Yeah-um...I was just thinking of something" I smiled back at him. He looked at me in my eyes searching for something and he nodded and let the topic go. I sighed and l ran my hands through my hair.

"Okay, I'm going to be heading home. Do you have any plans? Or have a hotel you can stay at?" Brock asked as he came over to the fridge. I quickly got out of his way and sat on the bar stool, luckily these things were built in.

"Yeah I'll stay at the hotel. How long will you be gone?" I asked him. I was thinking about home. To be honest I didn't have one. When I finally landed a job with wrestling and traveling then I've been staying in hotels. When we had the night off or it was family vacation then I would stay at a crummy hotel and hope the money I had was enough to last me a roof until it was time for me to go back on the road. No one, not even Brock knew of my situation. How was I able to stay at a nice hotel last time? Luckily I had some money to last me and pay for the coverage.

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