the epilogue (part 1)

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3 years later.
vancouver, british columbia.
july 3rd.

finn stood in the kitchen of his apartment. sadie was asleep in her room, as finn was just down the hall. it was dark, despite the light of the fridge, which illuminated finn, who stood in front of the fridge, both doors open. finn had his airpods in, as Still by Niall Horan played through both of his airpod speakers. the volume was up quite loud, all he could hear was the soft tune and niall's voice.

finn stared into the fridge. he wasn't hungry, or looking for anything to eat. it just gave him something to do. there wasn't much in the fridge anyways, as it had been cleaned out earlier that day, except for a few things.

he couldn't sleep. he was just over 4 hours away from hopping onto a flight with sadie, all the way from vancouver to los angeles, california. it had been just over a month since both finn and sadie had graduated from university in vancouver, and almost immediately after they graduated, they realized they wanted to pursue bigger dreams of theirs. and so they decided to do it together. they both adored each other, and supported each other through everything. it was only right to do it together.

los angeles seemed like the best place for them at this point in their lives.

a month or so before they graduated, they were celebrating something, not anything too important, as finn couldnt remember after that night. but it was something as a joke, and it was an impulsive celebration. finn and sadie had gotten drunk, and thought it'd be a good idea to go live on finn's instagram, which they probably shouldn't have done, but in hindsight, it did help out in the long run. a couple old friends joined, which had lead to a drunk facetime call to those 2 friends, jaeden and wyatt. both the boys were slightly tipsy as well that night, celebrating their engagement.

finn and sadie didn't talk to jaeden and wyatt very often anymore. it was just the effects of growing up, getting busy and losing contact. but the drunk facetime call that night just felt right, for all 4 of them. finn felt truly happy for the first time in years just talking to those two for a period of time. sadie noticed.

but somehow, it came up as a joke from sadie that 'what if they moved to los angeles' after they graduated, to which jaeden and wyatt encouraged them to. to drunk finn and drunk sadie, they were very easily convinced. and the next morning when finn and sadie woke up, both of them still remembered the conversation they had with jaeden and wyatt, but they knew it was just a joke at that point.

that was, until, both finn and sadie realized why not? and decided to go for it. they had a conversation that day over brunch, and started putting everything into motion from then on.

which is how finn got to now, standing in his dimly lit kitchen, 1 hour away from having to wake up and 4 hours away from a flight to his new apartment in los angeles, where he would live with sadie.

finn was nervous. he didn't know why at that point. it wasn't living with sadie, he and sadie had lived together for 2 years prior. they were best friends, they spent most time of the days together. finn wasn't nervous about moving either, or even los angeles. he knew los angeles had been the place for him for years. but it felt different now.

different than it would've felt 3 years before.

finn sighed, walking away from the fridge, although leaving the door of it open to leave light, as he walked over to the cupboard of the kitchen. he opened it up, grabbing a cup, then walking to the sink and filling it up with water.

he took a sip from the cup, before walking over to the fridge and closing the doors, the cup still in his hand, and after, he walked over to the sliding door, which lead to the deck.

he opened up the door, stepping out into the warm night air. his stomach still felt as if he had butterflies, as he laid down and stared at the stars of the night sky.

Still by Niall Horan still played through his airpods as he traced the stars.

he found a lot of constellations, which focused him on something else other than his nerves for the first time that night.

but quickly, he was distracted by a shooting star, which he followed across the sky with his eyes, leading him to the moon.

the moon reminded him of someone.

he couldn't figure it out at first. it took him a moment, but then memories played through his head.

"i love you through all the stars in the universe."

"and the moon is us."

just like that, he came to finn's mind.


and right after, the lyrics that played in the song stuck out to finn.

"if honesty means telling you the truth, well, i'm still in love with you."

then the song ended.

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