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chat in fack stannies

finnwolfhard: GUYS FUCK

jackdgrazer: are u okay?

finnwolfhard: NO

jackdgrazer: what happened?

finnwolfhard: it's a story so let me explain

noahschnapp: im worried

sadiesink_: me too

finnwolfhard: ALRIGHT SO BASICALLY u know i just spent over 2 weeks in los angeles so obviously my mom wanted to see photos so i was showing her photos, right, and i was showing her photos of jack but i obviously kept away the ones where jack & i are kissing n stuff like that because she doesn't know we're dating because she doesn't know i'm bi and she just thinks jack is one of my best friends
finnwolfhard: so anyways, i was showing her the photos and keeping certain ones away to the best of my ability UNTIL i was being an idiot and turned away FOR A SECOND AND SHE STARTED SCROLLING THROUGH THE PHOTOS AND SAW ALL OF THEM and u know it unraveled itself from there 😔💔

noahschnapp: wait so what happened?

jackdgrazer: god finn i wish i could hug u rn

finnwolfhard: basically she asked if i was gay and i said no i'm bi and then she asked if jack was my boyfriend and i nodded and now she's barely talking to me i'm scared
finnwolfhard: she seems mad or something i don't know i can't tell
finnwolfhard: maybe she's just disappointed in me?
finnwolfhard: wait i'm worried what if she like doesn't want me as her son anymore?? or like what if she kicks me out?? i may be 18 but i'm still in high school that can't happen
finnwolfhard: im going to have a fucking panic attack

jackdgrazer: finn, please take deep breaths for me.
jackdgrazer: i promise, everything's gonna be okay
jackdgrazer: if anything bad does happen, you have all of us to fall back on. there's 11 of us, everything is going to be okay.

finnwolfhard: jack can i please facetime you?

jackdgrazer: of course

noahschnapp: finn, you have nothing to worry about, maybe she just doesn't know what to say.

finnwolfhard: but i'm not just scared of her, i'm scared of my dad as well
finnwolfhard: she's gonna tell him eventually and i have no idea what he's gonna do i'm terrified

sadiesink_: if anything happens or if ur house starts to get unsafe, u can always come and stay on the couch in my basement

wyattoleff: or if u decide to impulsively hop on a plane to los angeles, we're all here if u need a place to stay.

finnwolfhard: thanks guys i love u all so much

noahschnapp: but don't worry about it right now because ur brother isn't gonna let anything bad happen to u
noahschnapp: and he may be away at college rn but i know he would leave in a heartbeat if something was happening

finnwolfhard: you're right, thank u noah

noahschnapp: no problem, everything is going to be okay.

let's be honest, mary & eric probably wouldn't give a fuck if finn was bi, but u know i literally am just scraping the bottom of the barrel for plot points. that's all 😋✋🏻

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