the epilogue (part 2)

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tw: mentions of depression.

** i am not intending to romanticize depression or smoking, or anything for that matter. sorry if it comes across as if i am, it isn't my intentions, and i'm insanely sorry if it comes across like that to you <3 **


los angeles, california.
august 18th.

it was a warm august day. however, finn still walked down the streets of los angeles in a black hoodie and sunglasses. he had the hood on his head, covering his curls and the sunglasses dimming the bright sunlight for his eyes. finn hadn't seen the city of los angeles for a very long time, that was until he and sadie decided to move to los angeles together. they grew extremely close over the last few years, and decided to move to los angeles to benefit their futures. both of them had dreams they had wanted to live, and so they knew los angeles was the best place for them to be. finn and sadie adored each other and each other's talent, so they decided to support each other on their journeys to achieve their dreams together.

finn currently walked upon the streets of hollywood, he wasn't too far from his apartment building, however he decided to stop in at a restaurant. earlier that day when he left to go to a meeting, sadie mentioned how she was only gonna have something like ramen for dinner, and let finn know he could stop somewhere for himself if he wanted to, depending on the time he was finished. the restaurant he decided to stop at was quite a bit smaller than a typical restaurant in hollywood, however, he thought it looked nice. the exterior was a brick building, with very fancy writing that said the name of the restaurant. he felt as if the restaurant's atmosphere was maybe even pulling him in, although he couldn't tell why. finn barely even bothered to read the name, and still walked in the front doors anyways.

after walking in, he was greeted with a very cold sensation on his body. he was relieved that the place had air conditioning on, from the fact that he was literally just being baked in the heat and sunlight outside. he looked around, to see a traditional restaurant with hosts and hostesses, and waiters and waitresses. although, he didn't have very much time to look around before a hostess greeted him.

"good afternoon," she started with a smile, causing finn to smile in response. "for how many?" she asked in a very happy tone in her voice.

"uh, just me." finn responded. he spoke quieter than she did, but all she did was nod, whilst grabbing a single menu.

"for sure! right this way." she said, as she started walking towards a table. finn followed behind her, as they walked through the restaurant until she sat him at a 2 person booth.

the hostess placed the menu on the table, and let finn get into the booth. it sat just next to a window, and the seats were red and cushioned. the table already held things such as an alcoholic drink menu, which finn could very well use since he was 21, as well as salt, pepper, and ketchup.

"your waiter will be right with you." the hostess finished with a smile. finn thanked her before she walked away. he opened up the menu, reading through the options, although he already had an idea of something he wanted.

but he still read through the options anyways, just in case he saw anything else that he wanted more. there was a whole collection of options, ranging from soups, to salads. steaks, chicken, fish and various types of meat dishes. there was also some international food options, such as mexican, italian and so on. it was a little while until a waiter showed up to finn's table. but finn was still reading the menu options by the time the waiter did show up.

"hi," the waiter started, catching finn's attention. finn looked up from the menu, to the boy who stood in front of him. he immediately recognized the boy from his head of brown curls, his small body and his beauty, and it was a boy that finn hadn't seen in, well, a long fucking time. "my name is jack, i'll be your server today." he continued with a smile, finn nodded. "could i get you started with a beverage?" finn was shocked, before he realized that jack hadn't recognized him.

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