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private dm between finn and millie

finnwolfhard: hey lol, everything good?
finnwolfhard: just wondering bc u bailed on dinner and didn't text any of us except for noah

milliebobbybrown: yup. everything's okay. milliebobbybrown: just couldn't make it.

finnwolfhard: okay, well i don't mean to push it but everything's obviously not okay
finnwolfhard: what's up?

milliebobbybrown: i told you, finn, everything's fine. don't worry about it.

finnwolfhard: millie, we've been friends since middle school, i know when you're lying

milliebobbybrown: give it a break, i'm obviously not gonna tell you or else you're gonna tell everyone in your little posse, and i don't want sadie to know.
milliebobbybrown: they were probably the ones who told you to text me.

finnwolfhard: first of all, they definitely did not tell me to text you, i'm genuinely wondering why you didn't show up, i didn't even tell them i was texting you in the first place. secondly, i won't tell them if you don't want me to, what's wrong? did something happen between you and sadie? it doesn't seem like anything happened, she was confused as well.

milliebobbybrown: it just seems pretty irrational that my own girlfriend would ignore me for the whole day to hang out with people at plans i wasn't invited to, and it just bothered me when she called sophia cute. idk maybe im overreacting, but it didn't make me feel so good. i feel like eventually she's gonna end up liking sophia more than me, and i know how it'll play out if she does. she'll claim that her and sophia are just getting closer and then bam! something will happen that'll make her realize she likes sophia and then we'll break up and she'll date her. i don't want that to happen, shes my best friend
milliebobbybrown: please don't tell her, though. i don't want to get in a fight over something stupid, i'll probably be fine by tomorrow morning
milliebobbybrown: can you just give me some time to think maybe?? i think i just wanna have a movie night with my family instead tonight

finnwolfhard: yeah for sure! i won't tell her, i promise. if any of them ask, i'll just tell them you're with your family
finnwolfhard: but please don't worry about it, everything is gonna be okay. i know sadie's not like that, and no matter what, sophia wouldn't even let that happen. it'll be fine i promise.
finnwolfhard: have fun with your family!

milliebobbybrown: thanks <3

oooo do i sense drama stirring up????

also i briefly changed my username but then i didn't like it so sorry if that confused u.


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