Mars Delight .. Venus Delicacy Part XXX

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the two bad guys mugged some mexicans they ran into on 153rd St.

knocked them to the ground and took five pounds of meth away from them

running back to their car they quickly drove to the Hudson River

beat up some junkies that were loitering under the bridge

took their hypodermic needles and proceeded to the boat landing

located and boarded Jane's yacht where she'd been waiting for them

after hugging, they sat down and acknowledged their plan

Jane efficiently made drinks for everyone

the two waiters were happy to see the bad guys had finally arrived

they had plenty of anti-alien and anti-memory pills between them

the bad guys smiled and broke out the stolen meth

Jane and the waiters boiled some into liquid

all five of them then filled the hypodermic needles

began running hit after hit .. hyper crazy

then they snorted an eight ball apiece

packing two eight balls apiece for later

they rushed about .. gathering weapons they'd need

at midnight a special military helicopter would arrive

to fly them to the White House in Washington, D.C.

since they were hired to protect the voting politicians

CIA Intelligence had learned an attack was imminent

the secret congressional hearing was a mere hour away

all Republicans and Democrats from the House and Senate will be involved

secret voting will be taking place concerning the UPC law

and Sunday Sabbath Day law .. the plan is to pass both laws without debate

the New World Order had meticulously planned everything to a tee

from the earlier recession to the housing/mortgage bust

forcing most of the population to depend on government assistance

creating a totally cashless society around the entire world

hiding away all emergency food from the general public

fluoride had been placed in drinking water to make everyone become mindless

bio-foods were created and filled with dangerously, harmful chemicals

congress began their secret session and quickly voted their approval

tying the two new laws together .. progressing from usage of cash and cards

to the ultra thin silcone chips that would become mandatory for all

ninety nine percent of the population will be forced to accept the silicone chip

embeedded in either their right hand or their forehead

in order to be able to buy or sell anything .. the plan neared completion

Sunday will be recognized as the mandatory, Religious Sabbath Day

most people will be fooled since it had been changed near 300 AD

the Pope representing the strongest religion was also present

to oversee the new Sabbath Day Law take effect

Jane, the two janitors, and the two bad guys arrived at the White House

merging with chosen military personel to protect the insane politicians

after the session was closed and the two laws were passed

the Pope stood outside .. raised his arms to the sky and demanded fire to fall

all was utter chaos as an unexpected UFO landed on the White House lawn

five headed aliens got out .. along with Harley Bill, Teazzy, Jzzay, and Szzay

they all held their weapons and prepared to attack .. suddenly God appeared

riding high in the clouds .. taking them and all of his followers in the Rapture

Copyright @ May 2012

StandingBear                                                          Part XXX

Mars Delight .. Venus DelicacyWhere stories live. Discover now