Mars Delight .. Venus Delicacy Part VI

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once inside the Greasy Spoon Travel Plaza

Szzay and I went to the trucker's lounge

passing the game room .. she stopped

completely amazed by the sounds

electronic beeps .. pinball machines everywhere

I put in four quarters .. a game popped up

helped place her right hand fingers on a flipper

my left hand fingers on the other

red button pushed .. pinball was in play

the machine began that familiar dinging .. rattling

with large, wide eyes she backed up

leaving me to play both flippers

only three balls per game

I lost fast .. started another

giving me eye to eye contact

I could tell she wanted to try

standing to the side I observed her

under a spell of sorts .. not touching the machine

twitching her perpendicular nose

points quickly accumulated like nobody's business

some type of telekinesis power she possessed

making the pinball hit every lit special

time and time again .. pop .. pop .. pop

in no time she'd won twenty five games

a noticeable crowd gathered in a tight semi circle

stoned as I was .. I had the sense to get her attention

about the same time I took her hand

Harley Bill walked up and said .. hey brother

better get her the hell out of here

the manager has been called .. someone complained

giving the games to him .. Szzay and I slipped away

to the restaurant .. sat in a far corner booth

a wart nosed .. red headed waitress came over

we proceeded to order breakfast

Copyright © April 2010

StandingBear                                                                                                                          Part VI

Mars Delight .. Venus DelicacyWhere stories live. Discover now