Mars Delight .. Venus Delicacy Part XXII

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Szzay's anti-alien pills gave her really strange powers

green ooze dripped in gobs from her silver space purse

she'd hit the five headed aliens with it over and over

rescuing Jzzay and Harley Bill from being captured

they'd wounded four heads of the five headed aliens

the five headed aliens had head butted Jzzay and Harley Bill hard

Szzay ran to help them up off of the ground

she calmly took off her space shirt

wiped the blood and green ooze off of them

her awesome triangular shaped nipples jutted upwards

Harley Bill became instantly mesmerized .. reaching towards them

Jzzay knocked his hands away .. saying hey man

shaking his head and grinning .. Harley Bill opted to go get more beer

Szzay related the marijuana brownies made her delightfully dizzy

Jzzay and Harley Bill were laughing outrageously .. high on cloud nine

hallucinating .. visualizing strange things under a cool blacklight

hearing voices when noone was speaking

Szzay lost it and finally screamed at them

relating they were acting really weird

she turned the radio up .. all the way

Boston's *More Than a Feeling* was blaring

the guys lit a couple of giant, fat joints apiece

peeked out of the window .. due to old habits hard to break

Szzay danced erotically .. all around the bathroom

she noticed Fiarria's anti-alien pills were still on the counter


in the ufo the captured two bad guys were shackled

Fiarria was forced to watch while the five headed aliens got busy

quickly .. methodically removing the unfortunate guy's brains

in place they installed odd shaped, computer looking parts

then the unfortunate two bad guys were instantly frozen

the marijuana high had taken effect

Fiarria discovered she was giggling madly

she felt as if she were dreaming .. little did she notice

several five headed aliens had gathered around her

next thing she knew .. twelve clammy hands were massaging her

this went on for what seemed like hours

comfortably high and numb .. she lay back and relaxed

her red striped eyes closed tight .. she hallucinated deeply

she recalled seeing blood and green ooze everywhere

on the five headed alien's heads and their inhuman, scary faces

she thought it must be the brownie high kicked in

laughing uncontrollably .. she petted the five headed alien's foreheads

when she felt something like a sharp pin prick .. entering her head

then she quietly fell asleep .. began dreaming about her childhood


Szzay realized she was low on anti-alien pills

Harley Bill and Jzzay were without a doubt stoned .. immobilized

she pulled a device from a secret place in her silver space purse

she shook her soft, wiry metal hair .. a few flicks of her wrist

she was back on Venus attaining the exclusive anti-alien pills

Venus had been taken over by the five headed four armed aliens

Szzay's ability to walk around invisible was a huge advantage

helped her through her quick and timely visit

Jzzay and Harley Bill never knew she was even gone

she returned to the motel as if she'd never left

Copyright @ September 2011

StandingBear                                               Part XXII

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