Mars Delight .. Venus Delicacy Part XXIII

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armed with a fresh supply of anti-alien pills

Szzay felt comfortable in the desert once again

the marijuana brownies had jogged her memory

she recalled the alien ufo's chasing after her

when her Venusian family hid her in Arizona's Superstition Mountains

she vividly remembered all of the scary details

peering out of a tiny rip in the indestructable seam

of the universal survival transport cubicle

she'd been trapped inside of it for seven long moons

until Jzzay had stumbled across it .. rescuing her from certain death

Szzay hadn't related to Jzzay

about the metamorphed aliens she'd seen

since she'd no idea if he was one

back to present day .. in the motel room

Harley Bill and Jzzay were playing chicken .. with knives

the walls of the motel room had holes everywhere

the guys had been throwing knives at one another for hours

Szzay waltzed in and caught their thrown knives in midair

attached the knives to her magnetic .. curvy hips

she related to the guys that they'd probably never see Fiarria again

it took a few minutes for this terrible information to sink in

when it did .. Harley Bill's eyes swoll up and he went to the bathroom

locking and slamming the door .. he could be heard crying and sobbing

after an hour passed .. Jzzay went in to comfort his friend

bong in hand .. he fired up thick, golden sinsimilla buds

already stoned out of this world .. the golden buds took them yet higher

moments later Szzay entered the crowded bathroom

she had a big, big surprise .. a Venusian friend of hers was with her

Teazzy had accompanied her unannounced return to Earth

Szzay discovered Teazzy hiding in the underground pharmacy on Venus

after smoking about an ounce of stash betwen them

Teazy and Szzay announced they needed to take a long, cold shower

to bathe away the Venusian and Earth dust particles stuck to them

Szzay blinked once .. turning the shower on full blast

the ladies stripped naked .. got in the shower together

Harley Bill sat speechless with his mouth gaped wide open

Jzzay took him by the arm saying come on .. get in

fully clothed .. the guys also stepped inside the shower

a bit cramped at first .. everything got better

Harley Bill's eyes were staring at Teazzy's triangular shaped nipples

Jzzay and Szzay huddled intimately close in a corner

while Harley Bill began shampooing Teazzy's soft metal hair

Teazzy's hair color is champagne blonde .. it drove Harley Bill insane

he was so stoned he didn't realize her hair is metal

Szzay catmoaned Venusian style .. Jzzay was kissing all over her neck


back in the ufo .. Fiarria was being aggressively programmed

a tiny piece of silicone was inserted into the top of her right hand

bar code numbers were embedded in the silicone chip

along with other numbers .. three sixes would secretly scan

so Fiarria could make purchases without a hitch

it was all a huge part of the five headed alien's plan

to take over the Earth .. and all it's unsuspecting inhabitants

soon the ufo would return to the long vulnerable planet

the five headed four armed aliens were scheduled to release

Fiarria and the two bad guys back into the human population

it was announced loudly over the intercom .. over and over

time to drop the three new aliens back on planet earth

the five headed aliens decided Fiarria needed a new Earth name

they tuned into the XM FM XS space satellite radio station

*Jane* was playing .. by a band named Jefferson Starship

Copyright @ October 2011

StandingBear                                        Part XXIII

Mars Delight .. Venus DelicacyWhere stories live. Discover now