Mars Delight .. Venus Delicacy Part X

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waiting to break the rack

I gulped down both our ice cold beers

motioned the waitress over

ordered another round

the waitress winked as she walked away

looking up I observed Szzay

standing in front of the jukebox

she stood there looking puzzled

a moment later I heard Bob Seger

belting out .. Old Time Rock And Roll

a few locals were dancing nearby

I couldn't even turn my head

next thing I knew

Szzay was bent over

snorting cocaine at the bar

she wandered back

where I was waiting

I grinned .. not saying a word

she'd no idea .. white powder

covered her perpendicular nose

I broke the rack

making two striped balls

paused to take a drink

then handed her a fresh beer

she sniffed at it before drinking

moving around to my next shot

two of the locals blocked my path

telling me to go around them

another local picked up the cue ball

stating they were going to kick my ass

unless I paid them for her nose candy

not taking kindly to threats

I elbowed the closest one in the chin

breaking out several of his teeth

the next closest one

I smashed my pool cue over his head

both locals kicking wildly on the floor

my steel toe boots came in handy

as I kicked them both senseless

I heard a loud cracking sound

from the corner of my eye

I saw Harley Bill standing there

with a wide smirk on his face

he'd broken the guy's arm

the cue ball fell onto the table

Hank Williams Jr's voice

screamed from the jukebox

All My Rowdy Friends

the brave waitress brought us drinks

Harley Bill asked Szzay if she'd like to dance

Copyright © September 2010

StandingBear                                                                                                                           Part X

Mars Delight .. Venus DelicacyWhere stories live. Discover now