Mars Delight .. Venus Delicacy Part XXVIII

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after everyone had eaten three marijuana brownies each

they also funneled a six pack of Budweiser apiece

keeping their stoned high going

Harley Bill motioned for Jzzay to step outside

related to him the redhaired waitress is a secret government agent

Jzzay was taken by complete surprise

Harley Bill explained how he was offered a top secret government mission

to capture three on the run fugitives who were all on the most wanted list

out of his saddlebag .. Harley Bill took a plain brown envelope

showed the pictures of Fiarria and the two bad guys to Jzzay

two hundred and fifty thousand dollars was nothing to sniff at

the plan was to leave for New York as soon as possible

when their stoned high would lighten a bit .. the girls would go also

back in the room .. the girls metal hair was tangled together

from them dancing wildly to Jane Fonda's workout videos


the two bad guys and skeezers partied hard

for two days and nights they terrorized the other motel guests

loud music and fighting drove the other motel guests away

since they'd went on another beer and whiskey run

returned with Old Charter, Burnt Scotch, and Crown Royal

in the late, late hours of the night

they'd pushed some of the motel guest's cars into the pool

a Volkswagen Jetta, a Honda Accord, and a Toyota Camry

it wasn't easy for them to get this done

the Z28's front end was crushed adly from all the pushing

the cracked out skeezers had laughed like crazy

whilst they'd smoked their crack cocaine from a cola can

several motel guests had called the manager to complain

little did they know their calls were fruitless

since the bad guys had tied the manager to the diving board

still bored .. the bad guys threw the skeezers into the pool

after a few more shots of whiskey apiece .. they dove in

dunked the screaming skeezers a while

until they almost drowned them

tied them to the diving board alongside the manager

the bad guys gagged all three of them and left for a while

went to eat something at Denny's Restaurant

beat up the cook and the entire wait staff

tied them up and forced anti-memory pills down their throats

then left the restaurant .. laughing tears

sirens were piercing .. waking the bad guys up

they'd fallen asleep in recliners at the swimming pool

pulling themselves together .. they heard the sirens getting closer

clumsily they ran to the room to retrieve their alcohol

jumped in the Z28 .. burnt rubber .. headed for New York


Harley Bill tossed a metal glove and a pair of pliers to Jzzay

with his other metal glove and a pair of channel locks

he and Jzzay latched on to the girl's metal hair

pulling in opposite directions .. they separated the girls

then began packing for their secret mission to New York

Szzay and Teazzy went to the truckstop plaza's washateria

since all of their jeans and t-shrts were oily and dirty

Jzzay and Harley Bill decided to make a quick run

to pick up a marijuana brick to take with them

they'd surely need it to smoke on the trip

a nice hot shower and a hot meal was next

Teazzy passed the wine filled bong to Szzay

they were all in the shower .. playing twister again

Szzay passed the smoking hot bong to Jzzay

Harley Bill took the last toke before they went to eat

Copyright @ March 2012

StandingBear                                              Part XXVIII

Mars Delight .. Venus DelicacyWhere stories live. Discover now