Chapter 5: Interrogation

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Michael stood up to greet Margot. He extended his hand to her which she shook with a raised eyebrow.

“My name is Michael Wayne Par, nice to meet you Margot. I am an investigator. You and Kerri will be shipped off to another country due to your exclusion from Main Kingdom. We do not want to clutter our kingdom, Jez Island. I will make sure that I know your personality, background, likes and dislikes in order for you to find the best place possible. Carter’s role is to take you to the Kingdoms which I think fits you, or just anywhere you want to travel to,” Michael said.

She stared at him dumbstruck at his bluntness.

Two weeks later, Margot didn’t feel the cold exterior of Michael. Despite Kerri’s opinion of Michael, Margot actually liked Michael. He was not judgmental and was genuinely intrigued about what Margot said.

“So you never told me. How did you get banned from Main Kingdom”, Michael interrogated her.

He felt like a close friend to her these past two weeks. Although it was his job to find out information about her, she felt like he was genuine and really wanted to get to know her better. It was not every day that she was able to pour out her life story and someone will actually listen.

“Well, it all started when my close friend, before Kerri, was put on the punishment list that the government provides.” she started off her story.

He had invited her to a dinner out near the park. It was 7 o’clock in the evening and the sun was setting. Michael and Margot were inside of a 5 star restaurant called Maggiano’s Little Italy. The chandeliers were 10 feet above their heads sitting down and a water fountain 6 feet behind Michael. As usual, he treated her out when they went through investigating on her past. And like all of the other dinners, they ate alone in an enormous restaurant that could fit at least 1,200 people.

“My best friend Chad is a shifter. He and his grandfather are known to be the last of their kind-”

He chuckled at this. Margot was now the one to raise an eyebrow.

“Main Kingdom does not approve of people who have supernatural abilities unlike this country. This made Chad a threat to the government,” Margot informed Michael.

“Now here is what I don’t understand. Chad and I both worked for the government as people who punish people on a list. So clearly Chad was on the side of the government. But the government wanted to sentence Chad to death immediately when they found out that he was a shifter,” Margot finished her tale more annoyed than angry.

“Well, what does that have to deal with you getting banned to here,” Michael questioned.

“Oh well it is simple really. I figured that the government is not what it is cooked up to be,” Margot replied dryly.

Michael chuckled at the language Margot chose to use to describe the government of Main Kingdom.

“It’s not funny,” Margot said grinning, all feelings of annoyance dissipated.

“Let me get this straight. You were not actually banned, but came here because the government back at your country is corrupt,” Michael inquired.

“Ah, no actually it is because I started to spare the lives of criminals that I thought were innocent. I mean what if they were just like Chad. They could not help being born a shifter. It was when I started to defy the government that I fount Kerri. She helped in my resistance,” Margot shrugged her shoulders as if it was no big deal.

Due to this interesting development, Michael started to wonder if it was best to label Margot as banned from Jez Island. In fact, the more he investigated her, the more she became more appealing to him. He was having a hard time detaching himself from her. 

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