T H I R T Y - S E V E N

Start from the beginning


Betty and Archie turned toward the source of the voice, both of them climbing out of Betty's car. Veronica rushed toward them and stopped right in front of the blonde.

"Hey," Betty quietly said and offered her a smile.

"Can we talk?" the raven-haired girl asked before gazing at Archie. "Alone."

"Why are you pissed at me?" he bluntly said.

"I'm not," Veronica said. "No get going, I need to talk to my best friend."

The boy sighed and waved at the two of them before walking off. Betty watched her go and slowly met Veronica's eyes again. "Is this about Jughead?" she quietly asked.

"It's about you not telling me about anything that's going on in your life while I tell you everything."

Betty nodded. "So, it's about Jughead."

Veronica sighed and turned her head away. "We need to talk, B."

"I know. But the class starts in two minutes. We've got study hall right after, right?"

"Fine," the girl sighed and nodded toward the school. The two of them walked into the building without any words being shared.

"So, let me get this straight," Veronica murmured. "You and Jughead have been dating since this summer, and you thought you had to hide because neither of you guys' parents could find out. But then, he told you that actually the Serpents weren't allowed to date any Northsiders, and now, if anyone knew, both of you could get hurt?"

Betty took a deep breath and nodded.

"Aren't Toni and Cheryl dating though?" Veronica asked.

The blonde widened her eyes a bit. "Um... Why do you think that?"

Scoffing, the other girl crossed her arms on her chest. "Are you seriously going to lie to me about that too? You seriously suck, Betty."

She let her head drop onto her nape as she stared at the ceiling. "It's not my place to tell you."

"I wasn't asking, I was stating," Veronica said with a roll of her eyes. They stood there silently for a minute before the raven-haired girl shook her head. "You know that lying about this to me was a low move?"

Betty frowned at her and placed her hands on her hips, starting to get a bit heated inside. "Well excuse me for trying to protect my boyfriend and myself from getting hurt."

"It's not just about getting hurt, Betty! You lied. You literally kept saying you were with Kevin or busy or whatever. It's not fair. I always tell you everything!"

"Oh yeah? Did you tell me when Archie proposed to you?"

The brunette froze on the spot. "I... uh..."

"Right. And what about the time you screwed up with him by kissing Reggie?"

"What? How do you—"

"And since we're best friends, you'd surely tell me if your boyfriend kissed another girl right in front of you, right, Veronica?"

Her emerald eyes were steel cold as she stared at her shocked friend. "Betty, that was literally private and Archie and I made up already and—"

"And what? You lied, didn't you?"

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