First Date

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I told Nini that I would be at her house at five so I'm on the way to the grocery store to get her a few things, now it's time t ok pick her up. She comes walking out in a the most beautiful dress.

 She comes walking out in a the most beautiful dress

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"You look great." I say
"Oh yeah thank you." She says "so where are we going?"
"You'll see."
I take her to the park for a walk and then we have a picnic near her favorite flower bushes.
"I love this," she says taking a bit of her strawberry.
"I am so glad."  She kisses me.
"Ok we need rules for this long distance thing," she says
"Yeah your right."
"Call every night, and try to see each other as much as possible."
"I will drive down to see you every weekend." She smiles then frowned.
"I dont want to go."
"Nini this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you, I dont want you to leave, but you have to go. You need this it will do you good and yes I will miss you and I will be thinking of you the entire time."
"I dont know what to say Ricky."
"I think we should kiss," she noods.
"Yeah I think so." We kiss and her phone goes off. "Shit."
"My plane is leaving at 8,"
"What that's in a half an hour."
"We have got to go now,' she takes off her shoes and we run back to my car, we speed to my house throw things into her suitcase, she says good bye to her moms and we head to my car again. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Thank you."
"Thank you."
"Why are you thanking me?"
"Because you are always there for me, and you arnt going to let this go because I am leaving."
"I glance over at her and back to the road, we soon get to the airport, "now dont look back to me I dont want to feel more sad to see you leave, but you'll be back I know you will and I will see you again, very soon." I kiss her, she crys "flight 405 is now boarding"
"I guess that's my call," she says wiping tears out of her eyes.
"Yeah yeah you should go." She grabs her stuff and doesn't look back. Shes gone.

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